What You Should Know When Havi

What You Should Know When Having a Bad Tenant in Thailand



When renting a property in Thailand, all the landlords wish the tenants follow the terms of the lease agreement and pay the rent on time. However, sometimes the tenant may violate the agreement with different reasons.



Before a landlord and a tenant make an agreement and sign a lease agreement, it is important to review the lease agreement and the length of such agreement.

For example, if the agreement lasts more than 3 years, it should be registered at Land Department. For details of a lease agreement that a landlord should know, please refer to our article “Land Lease in Thailand” at https://0rz.tw/e8zYa & https://0rz.tw/PA5PO.

在房東和租客達成協議並簽署租賃協議之前,檢查租賃協議及其期限非常重要。例如,如果協議期限超過3年,應在土地部門註冊。有關房東應了解的租賃協議詳情,請參閱我們的文章泰國土地租賃https://0rz.tw/e8zYa https://0rz.tw/PA5PO


When a tenant violates the lease agreement, such as the tenant has not paid the rent, the tenant has brought their pets into the property without the landlord’s consent, the tenant has caused damages to the landlord’s property, or the tenant has sublet the landlord’s property without the landlord’s consent. In this case, there are five steps for the landlord to do:



Step 1: Talk to tenant. The landlord must notify the tenant that he or she must remedy the situation.



Step 2: Send an e-mail and a written request.



Step 3: Sending an eviction notice. An eviction notice is a legal notice the landlord send to tenant, asking the tenant to comply with the terms and conditions of the lease agreement within 3-7 days. After such deadline, if the tenant does not remedy the condition, he or she has to leave the property. If a landlord does not send the eviction notice, the landlord cannot begin evicting the tenant.

3步:發送驅逐通知。驅逐通知是房東向租戶發送的法律通知,要求租戶在 3-7 天內遵守租賃協議的條款和條件。在此期限之後,如果租戶不採取補救措施,他/她必須離開該房產。如果房東沒有發送驅逐通知,房東就不能開始驅逐租戶。


Step 4: Consider taking legal actions. When a tenant does not leave the property after receiving the eviction notice, the landlord will have to present the request for expulsion and damages in court. The procedure can take between 3-6 months. However, it also depending on the complexity of the case.

4步:考慮採取法律行動。如果租戶在收到驅逐通知後不離開房屋,房東必須向法庭提出驅逐和損害賠償請求。該過程可能需要 3-6 個月。不過,這也取決於案件的複雜程度。


Step 5: Handling Post-Eviction. When a tenant is evicted, the landlord should inspect the property for any damages. If the tenant has caused damages that exceeds the security deposit, the landlord may have further legal recourse to recover these costs.

However, the lawsuit filed by the landlord for suing the tenant regarding the lease agreement must be within 6 months from the date of the rented property was returned, in accordance to Section 563 of the Civil and Commercial Code.



On the other hand, other actions which does not involve legal process may violate the laws. For example, when a landlord changing the locks on the premises or evicting a tenant is considered a criminal act of trespass, exposing the landlord to potential prosecution. According to Section 362 of the Criminal Code, “Whoever, entering into the immovable property belonging to the other person so as to take possession of such property in whole or in any part or entering into such property to do any act disturbing the peaceful possession of such person, shall be imprisoned not out of one year or fined not out of two thousand Baht, or both.

In the case of a serious incident, the person must be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand baht or both.

另一方面,其他不涉及法律程序的行為也可能違法。例如,當房東更換房屋鎖或驅逐租戶時,被視為非法侵入犯罪行為,從而使房東面臨潛在的起訴。根據《泰國刑法》第 362 條,「任何人進入屬於他人的不動產以佔有該財產的全部或部分,或進入該財產進行任何擾亂和平佔有的行為」。此類人應被處以一年以下監禁或兩千泰銖以下罰款,或兩者併罰。



IBC International Consultancy is a Law, Finance, and Accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand. With Experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers, we provided services including investment, tax, and legal consultants in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.


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