What You Should Know About Divorce associated with Child Custody in Thailand
In Thailand, when a couple decide to divorce or to live separately, it comes to the issue of child custody. According to Section 1520 of Thai Civil and Commercial Code, “In case of divorce by mutual consent, the spouses shall make an agreement in writing for the exercise of parental power over each of the children. In the absence of such agreement or an agreement thereon cannot be reached, the matter shall be decided by the Court”. In other words, the child custody can be either in written in the divorce agreement about who will have the right of child custody or decided by the Thai Family Court.[1] The agreement can also include the visitation of the child and the child support. However, in order for the agreement on the child custody to be valid, it has to be signed by two witnesses and registered with the district office at the time of registering the divorce.
If the child custody is written in a divorce agreement, the divorce agreement must specify who will be the custodian of the child. Please highly note that it is a must to specify and clearly state under the Divorce Agreement regarding who will be the “Custodian of the child”. Because if the phrase “…after the divorce, the father will take care of the child…” is used, it is unclear who has custody. In this case, custody of the child will remain with both parties (referencing Supreme Court Order No. 2565/2536).
如果離婚協議有說明子女監護權,離婚協議必須明確指出誰是孩子的監護人。請高度注意,離婚協議必須明確規定誰將成為「孩子的監護人」。因為如果用「…離婚後,孩子由父親照顧…」的話,就不清楚誰有監護權。在這種情況下,孩子的監護權仍歸雙方所有(參考最高法院第 2565/2536 號命令)。
The following are the custodial rights:
- To determine the place of residence of the child.
- To give due discipline to the child.
- To require the child to work within his ability and status.
- To demand a party, a parent or otherwise, who does not have custody or is unlawfully detaining the child to return him.
- To manage the properties of the child but activities such as selling, mortgaging and exchanging the property may only be permitted after approval from the court has been obtained.
Child custody in Thailand can be obtained by two procedures as follows:
- By the mutual consent of the parties
- By the decision of the court
On the other hand, when the divorce is filed to the Thai Family Court, the court should decide who should be the custodian of the minor child. There are 8 factors the court will consider for child custody as follows:
另一方面,當向泰國家庭法院提出離婚時,法院應決定誰應成為未成年子女的監護人。法庭會考慮以下 8 個因素來決定孩子的監護權:
Factor 1: The baby need mother
The Thai Family Court usually let the mother to have child custody when the child is still a baby, who needs to be breast-feed. Also, if the child is a girl, the court will let the mother to have the child custody as well. In addition, a mother has more dedication and subtlety. This is what the court will consider in order to give the custodian of the child.
If an unmarried couple has a child born out of wedlock, only the mother of the child will have the sole right to care for the child. For more information on child custody for unmarried couple in Thailand, please kindly prefer to this article: <Child Custody for Unmarried Couple in Thailand 泰國未婚下的子女監護權 >.
如果未婚夫婦有非婚生孩子,只有孩子的母親才有唯一的監護權。有關泰國未婚下的子女監護權,請參考這篇文章:<Child Custody for Unmarried Couple in Thailand 泰國未婚下的子女監護權 >。
* The Thai Family Court will not consider who is richer to make the decision on who should have the child custody
Factor 2: Continuation of care for child custody
The court will not move the minor child from the current resident, unless there is a necessary reason, for example, one party is alcoholism, which may cause problem to the child.
Case Example:
- The child living with mother around 8 years.
- The mother is a rice famer and received less income.
- The father is engineer in Japan and have more stable income.
In this case the Thai Court ordered to let the mother have the continuation of care to the minor child.
Factor 3: Keep the children together
Normally, the court will not separate the siblings, because they can support each other and keep them in better mental condition.
Factor 4: Children’s decision
The court can ask the minor child whether they want to stay with the mother or the father. In addition, if the child is more than 14 years old, the court must follow the child’s decision. So, if the child is quite young, the court will not pay intention to their statement or decision.
Factor 5: Ability to provide better education for academic, profession, religion, moral and intellectual development to the minor child at school and at home.
The court will consider which party has more capability to provide such education to minor child.
Case Example:
- The Defendant always be suspicious that the Plaintiff adultery.
- The Defendant beat the Plaintiff and always drink beer.
In this case, the court ordered to let the Plaintiff have the sole custodian of the minor child.
Factor 6: Ability to provide accommodation, food, clothes and medical care to the minor child.
The court will consider the party who will pay attention to the children. Hence, if the child is still young and needs support from the custodian party, the court will consider with who has more time and who can support the minor child for accommodation, food, clothes and medical care to the minor child.
Case Example
- The mother goes out to work and leave the minor child with the grandparents. And leave the minor child hungry, wear dirty clothes, and has no time to take care of the child.
- The father is working with government and has sufficient and stable income and the father deposits money to the minor child ‘s bank account for their savings.
In this case, the court order will let the father to have the right on custodian over the minor child. And if the child is a boy, the court usually let father to take care of the child. But before considering whether the father should exercise custody rights over the child, the child must be registered as his lawful child according to the laws. To ensure compliance with child laws in Thailand, the father must register the child's legitimacy with the district office.
Factor 7: Existing environment.
The court will consider if there is a change of the environment of the children, whether it will cause effect to the children. The changes includes the change of school, friends, and the visitation of relatives. If the minor child is happy with the existing school and environment, the court will not change it.
Factor 8: Love, affection, and emotion between the minor child and each party.
The court needs to consider the illustration from the previous relationship who used to take care of the minor children with love and affection. If it appears that one party treats the child with emotional or physical abuse, and always abuses the right of the child, the court will not let this person to have the right of custodian over the child.
In case each party has different religion, the Thai Family Court will not consider such matter in making the decision on the custody of the child. Unless, it affects the happiness and welfare of the child. Because our culture believes that all religions have the same intention to teach people to be good a person.
Furthermore, even if one party has the sole custody or both parties have join custody, the court can change the custodian person anytime if the fact and circumstance the court has considered has changed, and cause negative effect to the minor children.
According to Section 1521 of Thai Civil and Commercial Court,“If it appears that the person exercising parental power of the guardian under Section 1520 behaves himself or herself improperly or there is a change of circumstance after the appointment, the Court has the power to give an order appointing a new guardian by taking into consideration the happiness and interest of the child”.
根據泰國民商法院第 1521 條,「如果根據第 1520 條行使監護人親權的人行為不當或指定後情況發生變化,法院有權給予考慮到孩子的幸福和利益指定新監護人的命令」。
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[1] The judge may appoint a third party as a guardian in place of the parents if such order is deemed to be for the happiness and benefit of the child.