
Thai BOI Expands PCB Manufactu

Thai BOI Expands PCB Manufacturing Incentives to Cover the Entire Supply Chain



On 28 March 2024, Mr. Narit Therdsteerasukdi, Secretary General of Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), announced that the BOI approved a revision of the types of businesses qualified to receive incentives granted to manufacturers of printed circuit boards (PCB) to cover the entire supply chain.

2024 3 28 日,泰國投資委員會 (BOI) 秘書長 Narit Therdsteerasukdi 先生宣布,BOI 批准修訂有資格獲得印刷電路板 (PCB) 製造商激勵措施的企業類型,以涵蓋整個供應鏈。


According to BOI statistics, from November 2018 to November last year (2023), BOI has received 106 PCB industry-related investment projects with a total investment value of 150.6 billion baht. Also, in 2023, the BOI approved investment promotion benefits to PCB project by some 40 companies representing a combined investment of USD2.66 billion, or around 96 billion baht. The project applications came from companies based in China, Taiwan and Japan moving their PCB production hub to Thailand, as well as from Thai companies.

根據BOI統計,從201811月到去年(2023) 11月,BOI已收到106PCB產業相關投資項目,投資總額達1,506億泰銖。此外,2023年,BOI批准約40家公司對PCB專案的投資促進優惠,投資總額達26.6億美元(960億泰銖)。計畫申請來自將 PCB 生產中心遷至泰國的中國、台灣和日本公司以及泰國公司。


To further promote foreign investment in the manufacturing of PCB industry, and to cover the entire supply chain, the BOI approved a modification of the definition of qualified types of business to include manufacturers of parts and providers of related services such as lamination, drilling, plating, routing, and electrical testing, etc.



The new PCB business definition also covers the producers of PCB parts such as copper clad laminate (CCL), flexible copper clad laminate (FCCL), and prepreg.



Moreover, companies that produce PCB production raw materials and other necessary materials (such as dry films, transfer molds, backing plates, etc.) will receive preferential exemptions from machinery import tariffs, and will be exempted from import tariffs of raw materials for export. Depending on the importance of the raw materials, technology and the investment size classification, corporate income tax can be exempted for up to 8 years.



Currently, Thailand has become the largest PCB production base in ASEAN.
If Thailand can grab this opportunity to establish a complete supply chain in PCB production, it is very possible for Thailand to become a leader in the global electronics industry in the future.



In addition, BOI has set an operational plan for 2024 that will focus on 5 missions as follow:

      1) Continue to attract investment in 5 target industries such BCG, electric vehicles (EV), electronics, digital, and regional office operations. The targeting investors in target countries such as Japan, China, South Korea, the United States, and Europe. For this year, the BOI plans to open three additional offices in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Chengdu, China, and Singapore. All of which are important target countries for attracting investment to Thailand.

      2) Upgrading the environment for doing business to create capability in attracting investment.

      3) Attracting highly skilled personnel from abroad (Talent) to live and work in Thailand, to passed the Long-term Resident Visa (LTR Visa) measure and improved the One Stop Service center for visas and work permits.

      4) Allow Thai entrepreneurs to enter the supply chain in target industries. Especially, in new industries such as EV and Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), which are becoming large industrial clusters in Thailand.

By pushing entrepreneurs, especially SMEs, to enter the supply chain as much as possible.

      5) Upgrading, entrepreneurs towards a new era of industry that has the ability to compete and is friendly to the environment (Smart and Sustainable Industry) such as encourage the change of machinery to use energy-saving machinery. By using renewable energy or use automation and robots or using digital technology to increase efficiency, etc.


      1)繼續在BCG、電動車(EV)、電子、數位及區域辦公室營運等5個目標產業積極招商引資。 BOI瞄準日本、中國、韓國、美國和歐洲等目標國家的投資者,今年計劃在沙烏地阿拉伯利雅德、中國成都和新加坡增設三個辦事處。這些都是泰國吸引投資的重要目標國。

      2) 優化營商環境,增強招商引資能力。






     BOI views that 2024 will be a golden year for investment which will have large project companies decided to invest continuously. Especially, in target industries including automotive, electronics, digital, bio-industry and renewable energy. For the automotive, in addition to attracting investment from new EV manufacturers including the production of batteries and important parts. It is also expected that there will be an expansion of investment by existing car entrepreneurs who will come to apply for promotion according to the newly released measures to upgrade the automotive industry to support the transition to the modern technology that aims for cleanliness energy saving, safety and intelligent driving.


IBC International Consultancy is a Law, Finance, and Accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand. With Experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers, we provided services including investment, tax, and legal consultants in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.


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