
Foreign Investment Opportunities in Thailand


5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Thailand in 2023
您應該在 2023 年投資泰國的原因


Located in the heart of South East Asia with a population of over 69 million people, Thailand is regarded as the second largest growing economic market and serves as a gateway connecting SEA to the rest of the world. Thailand’s capital Bangkok is the largest city in ASEAN, with a population of more than 9 million. The GDP per Capita in Thailand was last recorded at USD 6,361 in 2018, which is equivalent to 50% of the world’s average.

泰國位於東南亞的中心地帶,人口超過 6,900 萬,被視為第二大經濟增長市場,是連接東南亞與世界其他地區的門戶。泰國首都曼谷是東盟最大的城市,人口超過 900 萬。 2018年泰國人均GDP6,361美元,相當於世界平均水平的50%    


Thailand ranked No.2 in ASEAN in terms of GDP in 2018 and has attracted huge sums of investment from countries such as China, Japan and Korea. With the influx of foreigners into Thailand, property is one of the top choices to consider. We’ve listed down some of the reasons why you should invest in Thailand’s real estate!




1. Tourist hotspot 旅遊熱點

Known as “the Spain of the East”, Thailand has always been one of the most popular spots for holidaymakers and investors. Its capacity to attract tourists isn’t limited to the appeal of its stunning beaches, vibrant lifestyle and unlimited shopping choices. The charm of Thailand’s beautiful destinations continuously attracts tourists to Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and other beautiful cities and tropical destinations, making it a significantly beneficial investor hotspot for investors to sell and rent real estate in Thailand.




2. Transportation infrastructure 交通基礎設施

The Thailand real estate market is expected to grow by 6 to 8 percent. The government plans to further enhance the transportation infrastructure (Mass Rapid Transit for both BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway) in Bangkok and notwithstanding a USD 45 Billion investment to develop the Eastern Economic Corridor. This is in time with the recent influx of foreign investors entering Bangkok and Pattaya, especially from China.

泰國房地產市場預計將增長 6% 8%。政府計劃進一步加強曼谷的交通基礎設施(BTS Skytrain MRT 地鐵的大眾捷運),儘管投資 450 億美元開發東部經濟走廊。這恰逢最近外國投資者湧入曼谷和芭堤雅,尤其是來自中國的投資者。



3. Property prices & capital appreciation 房地產價格和資本增值

Generally, properties in China, Singapore and Hong Kong are higher in cost as compared to the real estate in Thailand. Thailand’s property market also ranks as one of Asia’s most popular amongst Chinese investors. According to recent data from the online Chinese real estate portal Juwai.com, Thailand was the most popular country in the world when it comes to inquiries from potential real estate buyers in 2018 - climbing up from the sixth spot in 2016. Thailand was the fourth most popular country for real estate investment with $2.3 billion coming in from Chinese sources. Bangkok is positioned for huge growth at the property sector, attracting overseas investments and regional headquarters keen to tap into the city’s economic potential.

一般來說,與泰國的房地產相比,中國、新加坡和香港的房地產成本更高。泰國的房地產市場也是亞洲最受中國投資者歡迎的市場之一。根據中國線上房地產網站Juwai.com的最新資訊, 2018 年潛在房地產買家的詢價中,泰國是全球最受歡迎的國家- 2016 年的第六位攀升至第四位。最受歡迎的房地產投資國家,有 23 億美元來自中國。曼谷定位於房地產行業的巨大增長,吸引海外投資和熱衷於挖掘該市經濟潛力的地區總部。



4. Investment in freehold properties 投資永久業權物業

In Thailand, local quota caps at 51% and foreigners are allowed to purchase and own freehold condominiums up to 49% of the total number of units in the project, unlike countries like Cambodia and Vietnam where foreigners can only purchase leasehold properties up to certain years. Upon purchase, foreign buyers receive the same title deed as a Thai owner would. Hence, buying a freehold condominium is the ideal option for those who are looking for a long-term investment with 100% ownership. 

泰國當地配額上限為 51%,外國人可以購買和擁有最多 49% 的永久產權公寓,這與柬埔寨和越南等國家的外國人只能購買特定年限的租賃房產不同。購買後外國買家會收到與泰國業主相同的地契。因此對於那些尋求 100% 所有權的長期投資,購買永久業權公寓是理想的選擇。



5. Friendlier Thailand law 更友善的泰國法律

Thailand is a friendly country when it comes to foreign investments, unlike most countries where foreigners may be required to pay additional property tax. In terms of taxes and fees, the buyer acquisition cost for off the plan is only at 1% of the property price – i.e. transfer fees, juristic fees (i.e. one year of the maintenance fee in advance), management fees and sinking fund with no foreign stamp duty or legal fees involved. Recent contracts are written in both Thai and English. 在外國投資方面,泰國是一個友善國家,不像大多數國家,外國人可能需要支付額外財產稅。在稅費方面,大樓的買家購買成本僅為房產價格的 1%——即轉讓費、法律費(即預付一年的維護費)、管理費和償債基金,無涉及外國印花稅或法律費用。最近的合約為泰文和英文。


Besides the attractive tax structure for foreign buyers, it is relatively easy for property owners to sell their Thai home. You can sell to anyone be it a local or a foreigner, there is no restriction and no seller stamp duty or any minimum investment period, which is another reason why so many foreign investors favour Thailand in comparison to investing in traditional markets such as London, Australia or Singapore, where there are often additional foreign stamp duty, taxes, and fees to purchase or sell a property. This competitive tax structure coupled with the comparatively low entry price point makes it attractive for foreigners to enter the Thai property market. Hence this made Thailand become one of the top choices amongst real estate investors worldwide.




Company incorporation (49:51) rule
公司成立 (49:51) 規則


Majority-Thai private limited company as a baseline of doing business in Thailand


As a general rule, a Thai limited company limits foreign business ownership to a maximum of 49%, meaning foreigners can hold no more than 49% of the shares. Inexperienced or misinformed investors may try to get over this obstacle by engaging Thai nominee shareholders to hold a 51% stake in the business on their behalf, however, this action is in violation of the FBA and should be treated with caution.

一般來說,泰國有限公司將外國企業所有權限制在最高 49%,這表示外國人最多可持有 49% 的股份。缺乏經驗或被誤導的投資者可能會試圖藉由讓泰國匿名股東代表他們持有企業 51% 的股份克服這一障礙,但是這種行為違反 FBA,應謹慎行事。


Despite the ownership drawback, Thai companies have a number of advantages over foreign-owned companies, such as no restrictions on the type of business they are engaged in, lower setup costs, ability to buy and own land and many others.



Legal ways to 100% foreign ownership in Thailand 在泰國獲得 100% 外資所有權的合法途徑

The good news for foreign investors and entrepreneurs is that there ARE legal ways of achieving majority or even 100% foreign ownership of a company in Thailand. Even though some of them are time-consuming and their outcome is unpredictable, they should be a starting point of every serious company seeking to establish foreign ownership.

對於外國投資者和企業家而言,好消息是有合法途徑可以在泰國獲得一家公司的多數甚至 100% 的外資所有權。儘管其中一些非常耗時且結果不可預測,但這應該成為每家尋求建立外資所有權的認真公司的起點。



The three methods are: 三種方法為:

  • Obtaining a Foreign Business License


  • Obtaining a Board of Investment (BOI) promotion

獲得投資委員會 (BOI) 核准

  • Registration through the Treaty of Amity (for the US citizens only)                                                           


*Exceptions to these rules are certain businesses in non-restricted categories, such as exporting or some manufacturing business



The law for using nominee (criminal offense)


The use of “nominee” shareholders is expressly forbidden by the Foreign Business Act of 1999. It is a criminal often with significant penalties including fines and imprisonment. Prior to the introduction of the revised act of 1999 it was common to utilize loan-pledge agreements as a method for foreign minority shareholders to control majority Thai shareholders.  This entails the Thai shareholders borrowing funds from the foreigner and “pledging” the shares back as security. However, the Act of 1999 made this practice illegal. While enforcement of the Thai nominee prohibitions of the Foreign Business Act has been infrequent, the practice is risky particularly if a company has engaged the use of professional nominees whose name appears on multiple company registrations.

1999 年的《外國商業法》明確禁止使用“匿名”股東。這是一種犯罪行為,通常會受到包括罰款和監禁在內的重罰。 1999 年修訂法確定之前,外國小股東通常利用貸款質押協議來控制泰國大股東。這需要泰國股東向外國人借錢,並將股份“質押” 作為擔保。然而,1999 年的法案將這種做法定為違法。雖然泰國很少執行《外國商業法》中的匿名禁令,但這種做法存在風險,特別是如果一家公司聘用專業匿名人士,而這些匿名人士的名字出現在多個註冊公司。


Rights and Protection of Minority Shareholders in Thailand 


Shareholders’ management rights under the articles of association or a shareholders’ agreement 



Following the principles of liberty of contract, there is no objection of granting additional rights to minority shareholders under the articles of association or a shareholders’ agreement. Therefore, articles of association can be drafted in order to submit the approbation of specific matters to a “super majority” of shareholders, or to make the consent of specific shareholders mandatory. It is also possible to issue preference shares carrying additional voting rights and dividend rights for the minority shareholders. In any case, to avoid any refusal from the Thai Ministry of Commerce, such provisions shall neither change the bottom line of the CCC, possibly affect any third parties nor conduct to unduly abuse the rights of other shareholders or directors.


根據契約自由原則,不反對在公司章程或股東協議賦予中小股東額外權利。因此可以草擬公司章程,將特定事項提交“絕大多數”股東核准,或強制特定股東同意。也可以為少數股東發行帶有額外投票權和股息權的優先股。無論如何,為了避免被泰國商務部拒絕,此類規定既不會改變 CCC 的底線,也不會影響任何第三方,也不會有不當濫用其他股東或董事權利的行為。


Minority shareholders may notably be concerned and establish specific rights

on the following issues:  



  • voting rights;


  • appointment of board members;


  • right to propose an agenda;


  • decision to close or to start a new business;


  • limitation on the company’s rights to grant loans or to give guarantees;


  • approval of the remuneration of directors and executives.     



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