Minister of Public Health wishes to redefine “Drugs Offender”
Earlier in January, Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Minister of Public Health of Thailand announced to the news media the intention to redefine the definition of “Seller” and “User” of hard drugs, such as Amphetamine (Yaba) and possibly other drugs that are considered to be illegal. Mr. Anutin said that his definition to combat and declare the war on drugs in Thailand is to define the individuals possessing more than “1” tablet of Yaba as the “Seller” which possessed the heavy fine or punishment.
泰國公共衛生部長 Anutin Charnvirakul 先生於1月早些時候向新聞媒體宣布,打算重新定義硬性毒品 “銷售者”和“使用者”的定義,例如安非他明 (Yaba) 和可能的其他毒品被認為非法。Anutin先生表示,他對在泰國打擊和宣戰毒品的定義是個人擁有超過“有超片Yaba、為擁有重罰或處罰的“賣家”。
According to Narcotics Acts, 2522 B.E., there are 3 tiers and punishments of the possession of Amphetamine, which is the type-1 substance to produce the “Yaba”
as following:
- Product, Import, Export, or Possessed more than 375 mg of the pure substances or such substances have been mixed with other goods, at a ratio of more than 15:1 per unit: 4 years or life sentences, fine between 400,000 to 5,000,000 THB or both. This amount of possession will be regarded as intent to sell.
產品、進口、出口或擁有 超過 375毫克的純物質或此類物質已與其他商品混合,每單位比例超過 15:1: 4年或無期徒刑,罰款400,000至5,000,000 泰銖或兩者併罰。擁有這些數量將被視為有意出售。
- Possessed with intent to sell less than 375 mg of pure substances or such substances have been mixed with other goods, at a ratio of less than 15:1 per unit: 4 years or life sentences, a fine between 400,000 to 5,000,000 THB or both.
持有意圖銷售少於 375毫克的純物質或此類物質已與其他商品混合,每單位的比例低於15:1: 4年或無期徒刑,罰款400,000至5,000,000 泰銖或兩者併罰。
- Possessed with intent to sell more than 375 mg but no more than 20 grams of pure substances or such substances have been mixed with other goods, at a ratio of more than 15:1 per unit: 4 years or life sentences, fine between 400,000 to 5,000,000 THB or both.
持有意圖銷售超過 375毫克但不超過 20 克的純物質或此類物質已與其他商品混合,每單位的比例超過15:1: 4 年或無期徒刑,罰款400,000 至 5,000,000 泰銖或兩者併罰。
- Possessed with intent to sell of more than 20 grams of pure substances or such substances have been mixed with other goods, at a ratio of more than 15:1: Life imprisonment and a fine of 1,000,000 THB to 5,000,000 THB or Capital Punishment.
持有意圖銷售 20克的純物質或此類物質已與其他商品混合,比例超過 15:1: 無期徒刑和1,000,000泰銖至 5,000,000 泰銖的罰款或死刑。
However, the experts expressed their concern on multiple issues, regarding the holes in the new practices that might allowed the undesirable outcome. For example, if such law is passed, it is an alarming concern that, the police could use this redefinition of the law to plant the evidence on the suspect. This, however, will creates the unfair arrest, and the sentences could be put into heavier punishment than what suspects might have committed. Another concern is that since the narcotics problem in Thailand is one of the biggest issues of Thai Society, such a low number of drugs will create more ground for the polices to arrest individual, thus increasing the arrest number in general. This will worsen the problems of overpopulation of the prisoners in Thailand which, it has not been resolved.
This redefinition, however, is unofficial. This will need to put through the process of legislative branches, and it will be considered by Thai parliament in the future. We will keep you posted for the update.
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