What You Should Know About  De

What You Should Know About Debt Collection Enforcement in Thailand




In our previous article “Debt Collection in Thailand”[1] and “Debt Collection Law in Thailand”[2], we introduced basic concept of collecting debt in Thailand. We will provide information about the enforcement of debt collection in Thailand.



The right to collect debts belongs to the direct creditor, which may include financial institutions, lenders, credit card companies, and lease providers. This also covers creditors outside the formal system and those involved in illegal activities (such as gambling debts). It includes legal representatives authorized by the creditor, sub-agents (agents of agents), debt collection businesses, and those authorized by debt collection businesses. In all cases involving authorized representatives, if the debtor is contacted in person, proof of authorization must be presented.

追收債務的權利屬於直接債權人,其中可能包括金融機構、貸款人、信用卡公司和租賃提供者。這也包括正規系統之外的債權人和參與非法活動 (例如賭債)的債權人。包括債權人授權的法定代理人、復代理人(代理人的代理人)、討債企業、討債企業授權的法定代理人。在所有涉及授權代表的情況下,如果親自聯絡債務人,必須出示授權證明。


The crucial role of debt collection agencies in Thailand, debt collection agencies are pivotal in managing outstanding debts before they escalate into complex legal disputes. Early in the debt recovery timeline, these agencies engage debtors through amicable means, such as phone conversations, letters, and emails, striving to achieve resolution through voluntary repayment. This initial, non-confrontational approach is governed by the stringent Debt Collection Law, which safeguards both parties' interests by forbidding abusive tactics and ensuring respectful and fair collection practices. Their task spectrum encompasses a range of pre-legal actions, like sending out dunning letters and negotiating repayment schedules, yet is bounded by legal limitations. Specifically, when a debtor remains unresponsive or negotiations falter, these agencies' capabilities are at a standstill, necessitating legal proceedings for further action. For creditors, involving collection agency represents a strategic step to recover dues while aiming to preserve valuable business relationships.



Once the court make a decision on who loses a case or has to pay debt or perform some measure, if none of the part appeal or make a petition to the Appeal and/or Supreme Court, such party losing the case shall be the “judgment debtor” (JD). The JD must abide by the decision of the Court, otherwise, the party wining the case (the judgment creditor, namely, JC) can ask the Court to enforce the judgment as per the court order. This is the legal execution process, which is to request execution by mean of seizure of property, attachment of claims or other execution measures.

旦法院決定敗訴方或必須償還債務或採取某種措施,如果任何一方均未上訴或向上訴法院和/或最高法院提出訴願,敗訴方將成為判決債務人”(JD) JD必須遵守法院的判決,否則,勝訴方(判決債權人,即JC)可以請求法院依照法院命令執行判決。這就是法律執行程序,透過扣押財產、扣押債權或其他執行措施來請求執行。


In accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of Thailand, Section 275, the JC may file to the Court an ex parte (one-sided) application for a writ of execution. The application shall expressly mention:

根據泰國民事訴訟法 275 條,JC可以向法院提出單方面的執行令申請。申請案應明確提及:

  • the judgment or order under which execution is applied for


  • the extent to which such judgment or order has remained unsatisfied


  • the measures of execution for which the writ is applied for



Once the Court agrees with such an application, an executing officer shall be appointed by the Court to manage this process. While the Court is considering such a request, the JC shall have the right to request measurements to protect their benefits as well.



Please be noted that the legal execution process shall not be enforced with a third party not involved with the case or who is not the JD. In addition, in case of seizure of property, the JC has to be concerned about the ownership of such property. If such property belongs to another person, the law will protect their right. The JC shall submit the request to release the property from legal execution.

請留意法律執行程序不得向與案件無關或非 JD 的第三方執行。此外,在扣押財產的情況下,JC必須關注該財產的所有權。如果該財產屬於他人,法律將保護其權利。 JC應提交解除該財產法律執行的請求。


In addition, the legal execution process must be requested by the JC within ten years from the date of rendering the final judgment of the Court. Moreover, if the judgment or order requires the obligation to be performed on a monthly or annual basis, or be performed in the future, such period will be counted from the date on which the performance of obligations under such judgment is enforceable.



On the other hand, in situations where a debtor is unable to uphold their financial commitments due to insolvency, typical enforcement measures like asset seizure might prove futile, given the lack of recoverable assets. Bankruptcy proceedings then become a significant avenue to explore. In bankruptcy proceedings, when goods, services, or properties are accepted as a form of repayment, the Thai Court meticulously evaluates their market value to determine the equivalent amount of debt repaid. This approach applies even in instances where repayment is exclusively in the form of goods or property, with no monetary compensation involved. The Court ensures that the value assigned accurately reflects the debt coverage. Furthermore, in situations where a contract acknowledges the accrual of interest but fails to specify a rate, the Thai Court is authorized to impose an interest rate of 5% per annum. These meticulously organized legal procedures seek to liquidate the debtor's possessions, providing a last-ditch effort for possible compensation of the unsettled liabilities.

另一方面,在債務人因破產而無法履行其財務承諾的情況下,由於缺乏可收回資產,資產扣押等典型的執行措施可能會徒勞無功。破產程序隨後成為一個重要的探索途徑。在破產程序中,當商品、服務或財產被接受作為償還形式時,泰國法院會仔細評估其市場價值,以確定償還債務的等值金額。即使在完全以貨物或財產形式償還、不涉及金錢補償的情況下,這種方法也適用。法院確保所分配的價值準確反映債務覆蓋率。此外,在合約承認應計利息但未明確利率的情況下,泰國法院有權徵收每年 5% 的利率。這些精心組織的法律程序旨在清算債務人的財產,為可能賠償未清債務提供最後的努力。

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