Debt Collection Law in Thailand 泰國追債法介紹
It is not uncommon to hear stories such as using abusive language, violence and blackmail when it comes to debt collection in Thailand. In the effort to provide fair and standardized collection regulations to protect the debtors, the National Legislative Assembly has passed the Debt Collection Act, B.E. 2558 (2015) which applied to all debt collectors such as individual and banks but not debtor companies. Under the Act, creditors will be more strictly regulated and debtors will be protected.
According to the Act, debt collector means a creditor who is a credit provider, a business operator under the law on consumer protection, and other creditors who are entitled to receive payment incurred from business and such debt is legal and shall include an attorney authorized by a creditor.
Following are some points you should also know about the Act:
1. A debt collector is prohibited from making contact with other persons who are not debtors for debt collection, except for a person specified by a debtor for such purpose, for example, a lawyer.
禁止追債人與非債務人以外的人聯繫以進行追討, 但債務人指定 的人(例如律師)例外。
2. Collector cannot tell third parties that such debtor owes debt unless the third party is a spouse, parent, or child of the debtor.
3. Collector cannot use any language, symbol, or business name of him/her on any correspondence that may leads others to think the conversation is related to debt collection.
4. Collector can only contact debtor during 8:00-20:00 from Monday to Friday and during 8:00-18:00 on public holidays.
5. Collector can only contact debtor at particular place specified by debtor.
6. Once collector has received payment from debtor, debt collector should issue proper receipt as evidence of payment.
Any person who violates or fails to comply with the Act is a criminal offense and can be reported to district office or police station. Collector who threatens or causes injury to debtor’s person, property, or reputation can be fined up to THB 500,000 and/or jailed for up to five years.
Individual directors, managers, and representatives of corporate debt collectors can also be criminally liable. If a company violates the law, and the offense falls within the scope of duty of the director, manager, or representative, these people can be punished for the same offense that committed by that corporate.
Even though we know that the best way for debtors to minimize risk of dealing with immoral collectors is to borrow from reputable lenders, this Act however provides measure of protection for those who aren’t able to do so. Nevertheless, careful lenders should understand the law.
IBC International Business Consultancy is a law and accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand with experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers. We provide services including investment, tax and legal advice in Thailand.
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