
Delayed Condo Construction Dis

Delayed Condo Construction Dispute in Thailand



When invest in a new condo, it is common to encounter delays in construction, and it can be frustrating, stressful and expensive. There are many reasons why a condo construction may be delayed. Following are two primary reasons for a delayed condo construction in Thailand:



  1. Delayed or failed delivery by the construction company


For some occasions, the construction company may either deliver late or not at all, leading to delayed construction of the condo project as a whole. In the end, customers and buyers are not able to property transfer according to the contract.

  在某些情況,建商可能會延誤交付或根本不交付,從而導致整個 公寓建案的建設延誤。最終客戶和買家無法依照合約約定進行房 產轉讓。


  1. The project fails to meet Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) expectations

     建案未達環境影響評估 EIA預期

When a condo project begins construction, firstly the project must submit an EIA report to plan and make necessary preparations for any positive or negative environmental impacts in the future. Some projects get listed for sale even before requesting for an EIA form to examine customers’ demands ahead of time. However, if the project will not be green lit for construction should their EIA application submission be deemed unsuccessful. On the other hand, the construction can also be abruptly halted in case of neighboring complaints or the board member decides to halt the construction permit.

  當公寓建案開始建造,建案首先必須提交環境影響評估報告,為未來任何正面或負面的環境影響進行規劃和做好必要的準備。有 些物品甚至在索取環評表之前就已掛牌出售,提前檢查客戶的需求。然而,如果該建案未獲核准建設,其環評申請提交將被視為 不成功。另一方面,如果鄰居投訴或董事會成員決定暫停施工許 可證,施工也可能突然停止。

There are several options when a person in Thailand encounters this situation:

   當在泰國遇到這種情況時有 幾種選擇:


  1. Request for termination of the contract

      請求終止 合約

If you decide not to move forward with purchasing this condo, you can send a letter with the subject “Request for contract termination and refund due to construction not going as planned” with registered mail, which will have the signature of the addressee as confirmation of receiving, in accordance to Section 388 of the Thai Civil and Commercial Code and details in construction contract.

    如果您決定不再繼續購買該公寓, 可以依據《泰國民商法》 388條及建案合約中的詳細資訊,透過掛號信發送一封主題為「因施工未按計劃而終止合約並退款的請求」的信件,該信件將有收件人的簽名作為確認接收。


In addition, if the construction company will offer you the condo transfer, you can reply with “I refuse to accept the condo transfer due to the construction company’s delay in construction causing everything to not go according to plan. Therefore, I would like to request for a complete refund”.

     另外,如果建商願意提供您公寓轉讓,您可以回覆「我拒絕接 受公寓轉讓,因為建商延遲施工導致一切無法按計劃進行。因 此,我想要求全額退款」。


  1. Seeking compensation of this construction project

      針對此建案 要求賠償

If you do not wish to terminate the contract entirely and would like the developer to pay compensation accordingly, you may send an advice of delivery letter via registered mail detailing your side of the deal that you would like the construction company to follow with a specific time.

    如果您不希望完全終止合約,並且仍希望繼續完成購買公寓單位,但您希望建商支付您賠償作為責任證明,您可以通過掛號 信發送一封詳細說明的交貨通知書您在交易中希望專案方遵循, 以及具體時間。


  1. Sue the construction company

     起訴 建商

If the construction company refuses to refund you completely, you can file a lawsuit against the developer in accordance to Section 391 of the Thai Civil and Commercial Code. If you decide to file a lawsuit, you will be accompanied by the Office of the Consumer Protection Board as a consultant. However, the lawsuit process may take time due to other lawsuit workload on the Office of the Consumer Protection Board.

    如果建商拒絕全額退款,您可以根據《泰國民商法》第 391條對建商提起訴訟。如果您決定提起訴訟,消費者保護委員會辦公室將作為顧問陪同您。然而,由於消費者保護委員會辦公室的其他訴訟工作量,訴訟過程可能需要一些時間。

You will have the right to immediately terminate the contract with the developer of this project and request for a full refund (from reservation fees to down payment), the latter of which you have the option to request for a 7.5% interest rate per year from the payment date onward.[1]

    您將有權立即終止與該建案簽訂的合約並要求全額退款(從預訂費到首付款) ,後者您可以選擇從付款日之後要求每年 7.5%的利率。

IBC International Consultancy is a Law, Finance, and Accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand. With Experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers, we provided services including investment, tax, and legal consultants in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.


IBC泰國法律金融會計事務所 (International Business Consultancy) 為一間位於曼谷的泰國法律金融會計事務所,由經驗豐富的律師、會計師、及財務顧問組成,可提供泰國投資、泰國稅收及泰國法律諮詢等服務。如果有什麼問題,可以隨時通過Line: @ibcfirm與我們聯繫。


[1] The court may increase or decrease the interest rate request as they deem appropriate (according to article 7 of the Unfair Contract Act). Most returns are between 2-3%.

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