Summary of Conditions and Incentives of TISO, IBC and IPO
TISO, IBC及IPO條件和激勵措施摘要
There are several promotions for Thailand BOI. Following are brief introduction and comparison between trade and investment support office, international business center, and international procurement office under BOI promotions.
Trade and investment support office: TISO 泰國貿易與投資支援辦公室: TISO |
International Business Center: IBC 泰國國際貿易中心: IBC |
International Procurement Office: IPO 泰國國際採購辦事處: IPO |
1. Annual selling and administrative expenses must be at least 10 million baht. 每年的銷售和管理費用必須至少為 1,000 萬泰銖。 2. Must have a business plan and scope of business approved by the BOI as follows: 必須有 BOI 核准的商業計劃和業務範圍如下: 2.1 Monitoring and/or servicing to associated enterprises including office building or factory building, rental service for associated enterprise and lending to associated enterprises outside the scope of a treasury center and can be implemented under the exchange control laws such as 對包括辦公大樓在內的關係企業進行監控和/或服務或廠房、為關係企業提供租賃服務以及向財資中心範圍之外的關聯企業提供貸款,可以根據以下外匯管制法律實施: • Lending of foreign currency loans to associated enterprises in foreign countries 向境外關係企業發放外幣貸款 • Lending of Thai baht loans to associated enterprises in Thailand 向泰國關係企業發放泰銖貸款 • Lending of Thai baht loans to associated enterprises in Vietnam and countries bordering Thailand, with a requirement of using them for trading and investment in Thailand or in aforementioned countries only 向越南及與泰國接壤的各國關係企業發放泰銖貸款,且要求僅用於在泰國或上述國家進行貿易和投資 2.2 Advisory services on business operations, except those engaged in buying and selling securities, foreign currency exchange, accounting, legal, advertising, architectural and civil engineering businesses. 商業營運諮詢服務,但從事證券買賣、外匯兌換、會計、法律、廣告、建築和土木工程業務的業務除外。 2.3 Information services on goods sourcing. 商品採購資訊服務。 2.4 Engineering and technical services, excepts those related to architectural and civil engineering services. 工程和技術服務,但與建築和土木工程服務相關的服務除外。 2.5 Business activities related to machinery, engines, tools and equipment, manufactured by associated enterprise or officially authorized by manufacturer. Project must have at least one of the following scopes of business: 與關係企業製造或製造商正式授權的機械、引擎、工具和設備相關的業務活動。 項目必須至少具備以下經營範圍之一: • Importing of wholesale 進口批發 • Training Services 培訓服務 • Installation, maintenance and repair 安裝、維護和修理 • Calibration 校準 2.6 Wholesaling of products manufactured in Thailand. 泰國製造的產品批發。 2.7 International business process outsourcing whose services are provided through telecommunication networks such as Administration Services, Finance & Accounting Services, Human Resource Services, Sales & Marketing Services, Customer Services and Data Processing. 國際業務流程外包,其服務通過電信網絡,例如管理服務、財務和會計服務、人力資源服務、銷售和行銷服務、客戶服務和資料處理。 3. In case of offering loans to associated enterprises, the scope of servicing business must be services in the aspects that are not the loans specified in 2.1 or include at least one of those listed in 2.2-2.7. 如果向關係企業提供貸款,服務業務範圍必須是2.1所列貸款以外的服務,或至少包括2.2-2.7所列服務之一。 4. Not eligible for imported duties on machinery exemption 不符合機械進口關稅豁免資格 |
1. Must have business plans in providing services for associated enterprises as follows: 必須對關係企業提供服務的商業計劃如下: 1.1 General management, business planning, and business cooperation 綜合管理、業務規劃、 及商務合作 1.2 Procurement of raw materials and parts 原料及零件採購 1.3 Research and development of products 產品研發 1.4 Technical support 技術支援 1.5 Marketing and sales promotion 行銷和促銷 1.6 Human resources management and Training 人力資源管理和訓練 1.7 Financial advisory services 財務諮詢服務 1.8 Economic and investment analysis and Research 經濟和投資分析及研究 1.9 Credit management and control 信用管理與控制 1.10 Financial management service of the treasury center 財務中心財務管理服務 1.11 International trade business 國際貿易業務 1.12 Lending to associated enterprises outside the scope of business in Item 1.10 which can be implemented under the exchange control laws such as 向第1.10項業務範圍之外的關係企業提供貸款,可以根據以下外匯管理法實施: • Lending of foreign currency loans to associated enterprises in foreign countries 提供外幣貸款給國外關係企業 • Lending of Thai baht loans to associated enterprises in Thailand 向泰國關係公司提供泰銖貸款 • Lending of Thai baht loans to associated enterprises in Vietnam and countries bordering Thailand with a requirement of using them for trading and investment in Thailand or in aforementioned countries Only 向越南及與泰國接壤的各國關係企業發放泰銖貸款,且要求僅用於在泰國或上述國家進行貿易和投資 1.13 Office building or factory building rental service for associated enterprise 關係企業辦公大樓或廠房租賃服務 1.14 Other supporting services as approved by the Board 經董事會同意的其他支援服務 2. The paid-up registered capital must not be less than 10 million baht. 實收註冊資本不得少於 超過1000萬泰銖。 3. Project must employ at least 10 skilled and knowledgeable staff for IBC, exceptions are made for the cases when that business provides only financial management service of treasury center to its associated enterprises; in such cases at least 5 skilled and knowledgeable employees must be employed. 項目必須為IBC僱用至少10名熟練且知識豐富的員工,但該企業僅向其關係企業提供資金中心財務管理服務的情況除外;在這種情況,必須僱用至少 5 名技術熟練、知識淵博的員工。 4. In case of operating international trade business and office building or factory building rental service for associated enterprise, at least 1 scope of business listed in 1.1-1.10 must be involved. 如果經營國際貿易業務 以及為關係企業提供辦公大樓或廠房租賃服務,至少1個範圍必須涉及1.1-1.10所列業務。 5. In case of offering loans to associated enterprises; at least 1 scope of business listed in 1.1-1.9 must be involved. 向關係企業提供貸款; 必須至少有1.1-1.9所列的1個業務範圍 參與其中。 6. Only machinery used for R&D and training activities are eligible for import duty exemption. 僅用於研發和培訓的機械活動有資格享有進口關稅豁免。 7. Not eligible for import duty exemption on raw and essential materials used in the production for export 不符合原料進口關稅豁免資格以及生產中使用的重要材料用於出口 |
1. Project must be procurement of raw materials, parts, and components used in manufacturing industries. 項目必須採購原料,製造中使用的零件和組件行業。 2. Project must own or rent a warehouse and manage inventory with the IT-based system exclusive for warehouse management. 項目必須擁有或租用倉庫並且使用基於IT的系統管理庫存倉庫管理專用。 3. Project must have appropriate activities of merchandise procurement and management such as quality inspection and packaging. 項目必須有適當的活動 商品採購及品質檢驗、包裝等管理。 4. Project must have several procurement resources, at least including a domestic resource. 項目必須擁有多種採購資源,至少包括一種國內資源。 5. Project must be domestic wholesale and/or overseas exports. 項目必須是國內批發和/或海外出口。 6. The paid-up registered capital must not be less than 10 million baht. 實收註冊資本不得少於 超過1000萬泰銖。 |
Incentives: B 激勵措施:B |
Incentives: B 激勵措施:B |
Incentives: B 激勵措施:B |
The IPO is a business that procurement of raw materials, parts, and components used in manufacturing industries. It will be a wholesale trade to Thailand or abroad and it is prohibited to produce any parts or products for sale. It can only be done as a buyer, which can buy from abroad but at least raw materials, parts, and components used in manufacturing industries must be purchased at least from 1 Thai company.
IPO是採購製造業使用的原料、零件的業務。IPO是對泰國或國外的批發貿易,禁止生產任何零件或產品用於銷售。只能作為買家進行,可以從國外購買,但至少製造業使用的原材料、零件和零件必須從至少 1 家泰國公司購買。
The IBC is a business responsible for operating technical services, providing support services or financial management services to affiliated enterprises or conducting international trade business by providing services to co-companies in at least 1 foreign country (not Thailand). The company that operates the IBC business and the companies in the group must have shareholding between company, directly or indirectly not less than 25% of the total capital or have the power to control the business or supervise operations and administration.
The TISO is a business supporting trade and investment in various industries both domestically and abroad. There are many business areas that companies can apply for promotion such as: engineering services, consulting, installation, maintenance and repair of machinery, etc.
TISO 是一家支持國內外各行業貿易和投資的企業。企業可以申請升遷的業務領域有很多,例如:工程服務、諮詢、安裝、機械維護和修理等。
All businesses from the table above, it is a group of businesses that receive incentives B. It will not be exempt from corporate income tax but will receive the following benefits: exemption of import duties on machinery, exemption of import duties on raw materials used in R&D, exemption of import duties on raw materials used in production for export, permit for foreign nationals to enter Thailand purpose of studying investment opportunities, permit to bring into Thailand skilled workers and experts to work in investment promoted activities, permit to own land, Permit to take out or remit money abroad in foreign currency.
上表中的所有企業,屬於獲得激勵措施 B 的一組企業。不會免除企業所得稅,但將獲得以下優惠:免除機械進口關稅、免除用於生產的原材料的進口關稅研發、出口生產中使用的原料免徵進口關稅、允許外國人進入泰國研究投資機會、允許引進技術工人和專家進入泰國從事投資促進活動、允許擁有土地, 允許以外幣取出或匯款到國外。
The incentives that will be received from BOI for each business are as follows:
每項業務將從 BOI 獲得的獎勵措施如下:
- Majority or 100% foreign ownership 多數股權或 100% 外資持股 -100% foreign shareholding 100%外資持股 - Right to own land 擁有土地的權利 - VISA and work permit 簽證和工作許可證 - Exemption of import duty on machinery used for R&D and training services in IBC project IBC計畫用於研發和培訓服務的機械免徵進口稅 |
- Majority or 100% foreign ownership 多數股權或 100% 外資持股 -100% foreign shareholding 100%外資持股 - Right to own land 擁有土地的權利 - VISA and work permit 簽證和工作許可證 - Exemption of import duty on machinery used in TISO project TISO項目使用的機械免徵進口稅 |
-Majority or 100% foreign ownership 多數股權或 100% 外資持股 -100% foreign shareholding 100%外資持股 - Right to own land 擁有土地的權利 -VISA and work permit 簽證和工作許可證 -Exemption of import duty on raw material imported for use in production for export 免除進口用於出口生產的原料的進口稅 -Exemption of import duty on machinery used in IPO project IPO項目中使用的機械免徵進口稅 |
IBC International Consultancy is a Law, Finance, and Accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand. With Experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers, we provided services including investment, tax, and legal consultants in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.
IBC泰國法律金融會計事務所 (International Business Consultancy) 為一間位於曼谷的泰國法律金融會計事務所,由經驗豐富的律師、會計師、及財務顧問組成,可提供泰國投資、泰國稅收及泰國法律諮詢等服務。如果有什麼問題,可以隨時通過Line: @ibcfirm與我們聯繫。