Thailand Issues Regulations on
Exaggerated Advertisement
Thai government has issued regulations on advertising content, which includes language requirements to secure consumers’ right to clear and fair advertisement. Such notification is Notification Re: Guidelines on Use of Advertisement Statements by Confirming Facts that are Difficult to Prove and Guidelines on Proof of Advertisement Statements B.E. 2565 (2022), was published on 13 January 2023 in Government Gazette. In addition, the notification has been effective since 14 January 2023.
泰國政府頒布關於廣告內容的規定,其中包括語言要求,確保消費者有權獲得明確公正的廣告。此類通知是佛曆2565年 (2022)關於藉由確認難以證明的事實來使用廣告聲明的證明和廣告聲明證明指南”,並於 2023年1月13日在政府公報上公佈。此外,該通知自2023年1月14日起生效。
Following are details of the notification:
- Advertisement should meet requirements below:
廣告須符合 以下規定:
- Must be in Thai; must be easily seen, heard, or read, and must not be misleading. If an advertisement is in a foreign language, Thai translation must be included. The notification additionally sets detailed requirements for different types of advertisement media and must follow the rules which is written in such notification.
必須是泰文;必 須易於看到、聽到或閱讀;並且不得誤導。如 果廣告為外語,必須包括泰文翻譯。 此通知還對不同類型的廣告媒體提出了詳細要求並且必 須遵守此通知所寫的規則。
2. The primary purpose is to provide consumers to have a clear and sufficient understanding. For example, if an advertisement claims that the service is free, such service must not be conditional on any fees, so consumers understand correctly that they do not have to pay any fee for such service. But if such free service is to be provided under any criteria, methods, conditions, or requirements, the advertiser must specify the criteria, methods, conditions, or requirements in full.
主要目的必須讓消費者有清楚、充 分的了解。例如,如果廣告聲稱該服務為免費, 該服務不得以任何費用為條件,因此消 費者正確理解他們無需為該服務支付任何費用。但是, 如果按照任何標準、方法、條件或要求提供此類免費服務 ,廣告商必須詳細說明該標準 、方法、條件或要求。
3. The descriptions indicated in an advertisement such as quantity, volume, size, number, and ingredients, must reflect an actual product or service which is sold to consumers.
廣告中的數量、體積、大小、數量 、成分等說明,必須反映實 際銷售給消費者的產品或服務。
4. If an advertisement refers to testing or experiments results undertaken in specific conditions, the name of a testing institute or organization along with the specifics of the test or experiment must be visible on such advertisement.
如廣告提及在特定條件下進行的檢測或實驗結果, 廣告中必須標明檢測機構或組織的名稱、以及檢測或實驗的 具體內容。
- Advertisement should be prohibited when having the following situations:
廣告如符合以下規定須 被禁止:
- Exclude or restrict the advertiser’s liabilities or enable it to change conditions without prior notice, or that otherwise put consumers at a disadvantage, such as:
排除或限制廣告商的責任或允許 未事先通知而更改條件,或以其他方式 使消費者處於不利地位,例如:
- “We reserve the right to change the price and other conditions without prior notice.”
- “The picture is only an example of the product and may not be the same as such product provided in this promotional campaign.”
“圖片僅為產品示例,可能 與本次促銷活動中提供的產品 不同。”
- Appeal to personal beliefs (e.g., through spiritual promises, superstitious claims, etc.), or that seek to persuade consumers who are emotionally distressed or in need of spiritual support, such as:
訴諸個人信仰 (例如,通過精神承諾、迷信主張等),或試圖說服情緒低落或需要精神支持的消費者,例如:
- “This product will bring you instant results.”
- “This product will bring you results within seven days.”
- “We can perform a ritual to bring your ex back to you.”
- Overpromise a guarantee or warranty, or that do not provide clear and accurate details of the conditions of a guarantee, such as:
過度承諾擔保或保證、 或未提供清晰準確的擔保條件細節, 例如:
- “Safe and worry-free.”
“ 安全無憂。”
- “You can receive a refund if the product does not work.”
- “Satisfaction guaranteed.”
“ 滿意保證。”
- Confirm facts by comparing the advertised product or service to another product or service, using words such as “the best,” “excellent,” “highest,” “superb,” “exceptional,” “number one, “the only one,” “the only company,” “the first shop,” “the only shop,” “this single time,” or “the only shop in Thailand.”
通過將廣告中的一種產品或服務 與另一種產品或服務進行比較來確認事實, 使用諸如“最好的 ”、“優秀的”、“最高的”、“一流的”、“例外的”、“第一”、“唯一的”、 “唯一的公司”、“第一家商店”、“唯一的商店”、“這一次”或“泰國唯一的商店” 等詞。
- Purport to be based on academic reports, research results, or statistical data certified by an institute, person, or award, unless proven or substantiated by reliable evidence.
聲稱基於學術報告、研究結果或經機構 、個人或獎勵認證的統計數據 ,除非有可靠證據證明或證實。
Please be noted that advertising media, such as platform service providers which allow users to share or post prohibited content, can also be held liable for false and exaggerative advertisements. Therefore, business operators and merchants should review not only the advertising practices, but also relevant regulations they communicate or distribute to users or the public.
IBC International Consultancy is a Law, Finance, and Accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand. With Experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers, we provided services including investment, tax, and legal consultants in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.
IBC泰國法律金融會計事務所 (International Business Consultancy) 為一間位於曼谷的泰國法律金融會計事務所,由經驗豐富的律師、會計師、及財務顧問組成,可提供泰國投資、泰國稅收及泰國法律諮詢等服務。如果有什麼問題,可以隨時通過Line: @ibcfirm與我們聯繫。