
Shall a Thai Employer Pay Employee When its Business is Closed (Q&A) Part III

泰國雇主在公司停止營運後是否需要支付員工薪水 (問與答) Part III


 雇主在公司停止營運後是否需要支付員工薪水 (問與答) Part I https://0rz.tw/fBoU4 

雇主在公司停止營運後是否需要支付員工薪水 (問與答) Part II https://0rz.tw/v8wr5


    7. When will the Thai government begin to pay employee compensation?



Answer: From 6 August 2021 onwards.



     8. When a Thai employee is not working, will he/she receive compensation from the Social Security Office?



Answer: Yes, there are 3 types of compensation which can be received from the Social Security Office. A Thai employee will be compensated with following amount of the salary in different conditions:

答:  是,有3種社會保險辦公室發放的補助。泰國員工會依據不同情況依據薪資收到補助:

a. 70%, b. 45%, c. 50%

We will explain the differences in the following content. The Social Security Office will begin to pay Thai employee compensation from August 16, 2021.


In order to receive Social Security Fund, a Thai employee must have Thai nationality and the Thai employer is in the most restrictive and restrictive area (dark red) in 29 provinces and 9 occupation groups which we have mentioned in Question 5.



    9. Under what conditions can a Thai employee receive 70% of the salary from the Social Security Office?



Answer: If the employment is terminated, the Social Security Office will pay Thai employee 70% of severance pay based on the amount of salary that appears

on the social security system with a maximum rate of salary of not more than 15,000 baht (10,500 baht compensation per month). The Social Security Office will pay compensation to Thai employees for not more than 200 days.


In addition, a Thai employee should meet the following conditions:


- Thai Employer notifies the Department of Labor regarding the termination of employment or the Thai employee to report to the Department of Labor by himself/herself.


- Thai Employer terminates the employee's employment contract.


- Thai Employee must have contributed to social security for at least 6 months in the past 15 months prior to the unemployment date.



   10. Under what conditions can a Thai employee receive 45% of the salary from the Social Security Office?



Answer: If the Thai employee resigns by himself or the term of the employment contract is terminated, the Social Security Office will pay employees 45% of severance pay based on the amount of salary that appears in the social security system with a maximum rate of salary of not more than 15,000 baht (6,750 baht compensation per month). The Social Security Office will pay compensation to Thai employees for not more than 90 days.


In addition, a Thai employee should meet following conditions:


- Thai Employer notifies the Department of Labor about termination of employment or the Thai employee will report to the Department of Labor by himself/herself.


- Thai Employee resigns or the employment contract is terminated.


- Thai Employee must have contributed to social security for at least 6 months in the past 15 months prior to the unemployment date.


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