Patent Litigation in Thailand
According to section 36 under Thai Patent Act B.E. 2542 (1999), “No other person except the patentee shall have following rights: (1) where the subject matter of a patent is a product, the right to produce, use, sell, have in the possession for sale, offer for sale or import the patent product; (2) where the subject matter of a patent is a process, the right to use the patent process, to produce, use, sell, have in the possession for sale, offer for sale or import the product produced by the patent process.” Therefore, if anyone conduct actions above without the consent of patentee, he/she definitely infringes others patent rights. Patent litigation can be done via civil or criminal lawsuit depending on the situation.
When a defendant receives notice from Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court,[1] he can submit an argument of non-infringement and/or patent invalidity.
Following are grounds for non-infringement and patent invalidity under Thai Patent Act:
Defense for non-infringement based on section 36 under Patent Act B.E. 2542 (1999)
(1) any act for the purpose of study, research, experimentation or analysis, provided that it does not unreasonably conflict with a normal exploitation of the patent and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the patent owner;
(2)the production of the patented product or use of the patented process, provided that the producer or user, in good faith and without knowing or having no reasonable cause to know about the patent application, has engaged in the production or has acquired the equipment therefore prior to the date of filing of the patent application in Thailand, Section 19bis not applicable hereto;
(2) 生產專利產品或是使用專利方法,但生產者或使用者真的不知道或沒有合理的理由知道此專利已提出申請,已從事專利產品的生產或已經獲得產品的使用權。因此,第19bis條不使用於提交專利申請之前的產品;
(3) the compounding of a drug specifically to fill a doctor’s prescription by a professional pharmacist or medical practitioner, including any act done to such pharmaceutical product;
(4) any act concerning an application for pharmaceutical registration, the applicant intending to produce, distribute or import the patented pharmaceutical product after the expiration of the patent term;
(5)the use of a device forming the subject of a patent in the body of a vessel or other accessories of a vessel of a country party to an international convention or agreement on patent protection to which Thailand is also party, when such a vessel temporarily or accidentally enters the waters of Thailand, provided that such a device is used there exclusively for the needs of the vessel;
(5) 泰國也是締約國的國際專利保護公約或協定的某國船或船舶的其他附件,構成專利標地的設備暫時或意外進入泰國水域,但此設備僅於此用於滿足船舶需要;
(6) the use of a device forming the subject of a patent in the construction or other accessories of an aircraft or a land vehicle of a country party to an international convention or agreement on patent protection to which Thailand is also party, when such aircraft or land vehicle temporarily or accidentally enters Thailand;
(7) the use, sale, having in possession for sale, offering for sale or importation of a patented product when it has been produced or sold with the authorization or consent of the patentee.
Defense for patent invalidity: According to section 54 under Thai Patent Act, “Any patent granted not in compliance with the provisions of Section 5, 9, 10, 11 or section 14 shall be invalid.”
(1)the patented invention is not new;
(1) 不具有新穎性;
(2)the patented invention does not have an inventive step;
(2) 不具有進步性;
(3)the patented invention is incapable of industrial application;
(3) 不具有產業利用性;
(4)the patented invention constitutes a non-patentable subject matter;
(4) 此發明專利包含不可專利事項;
(5)the patentee is not the true inventor or has no right to file the patent application.
(5) 專利權人不是真正的發明人或者無權提出專利申請。
A trial will include at least is adjudicated by at least two career judges and one lay judge[2]. In the event of patent infringement, the registered patent owner can exercise
their rights in accordance of Section 85 of Patent Act B.E.1979 which imposes penalties for infringers of invention patents with imprisonment for a term of not exceeding 2 years or to a fine not exceeding 400,000 baht, or to both depending on the violation.
IBC International Business Consultancy is a law, finance and accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand with experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers. We provide services including investment, tax and legal advice in Thailand.
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[1] It is a specialized court handling intellectual property and international trade cases.
[2] Section 19 under The Act for the Establishment of and Procedures for the Intellectual Property and International Trade Court B.E. 2539 (1996)