Transfer of Ownership for Foreigners in Thailand
If a foreigner owns a condominium in Thailand, he/she cannot validly “give” the property to his/her children by simply executing a deed of donation to transfer ownership thereof. Therefore as there is no automatic transfer of ownership, the only method to transfer ownership over properties in Thailand between foreigners would be to sale of such property from the supposedly donor to the donee. There is no other way to transfer ownership over immovable properties inter vivos but to undergo the procedure on sale. By conducting such transfer would involve payment of transfer, taxes and all other government fees just like any sale and purchase transactions to be paid upon actual transfer of ownership at the Land Office.
延伸閱讀Can Foreigner Inherit Lands in Thailand? 外國人可否繼承泰國土地 ?
There is no restriction on any nationalities, every foreigner can enter Thailand legally to purchase or to own a condominium unit within the foreign ownership quota (49%) of the condominium. In addition, every foreigner must personally qualify for ownership under section 19 of the Condominium Act. Usually this means that the purchase price of the condominium must be transferred into Thailand from foreign currency and be exchanged into Thai baht by a licensed financial institution inside Thailand to qualify the foreign ownership under the Thailand Condominium Act. Therefore the foreigner purchaser is required to remit the full purchase price of the condominium in foreign currency into Thailand, unless he/she is a resident in Thailand or eligible for foreign ownership under one of the other conditions which falls under section 19 of the Condominium Act. The recipient bank inside Thailand would then need to issue to the foreigner purchase evidence for which such amount is being transferred and exchanged into Thai baht in the form of a foreign exchange transaction form or credit note.
Document Requirement: 所需文件
• The transferred amount in foreign currency 外幣金額
• The transferred amount in Thai Baht 泰銖金額
• The name of money sender 匯款人
• The name of money receiver 收款人
• The purpose of transferring (i.e. buying condominium unit x in the x condominium)
By transferring the ownership of an apartment to a foreigner, Section 19 of the Condominium Act B.E. 2522 provides that the applicant for transfer of ownership of apartment shall notify the Competent Official of the name of the foreigner as specific in Section 19 together with the proportion of space of apartment already owned by such foreigner, and the foreigner who applies for holding the ownership of apartment shall present the following evidence to the Competent Official:
1. For the foreigner specified in Section 19 (1), evidence of being permitted to reside in Thailand under Immigration Law must be presented;
2. For the foreigner specified in Section 19, the evidence of being permitted to enter the Kingdom under investment promotion law must be presented;
Section 19(4) of the Condominium Act B.E. 2522 provides that upon the competent authority have received relevant documents and evidences, examined and deemed that they are correct, the ratio of holding the ownership of apartment for foreigner or juristic persons of those already held the ownership and those applying for the acceptance of transfer which does not exceed the ratio prescribed in the first paragraph of Section 19 bis, or being in accordance with the second paragraph and the third paragraph of Section 19 bis, the competent authority shall proceed with the registration of rights and juristic acts concerning apartments under Chapter 4 for such aliens or juristic persons applying for the acceptance of transfer.
Documents needed to transfer the property ownership: 移轉所有權應備文件
- Foreign exchange transaction slip for which the amount must be more than the price of the condominium
- The Title Deed for the property (Chanote) Chanote 地契
- Letter of Debt Free 未有債務證明
- Certificate of condominium 公寓證明
- Copies of the passport(s) or other identification documents of both the buyer and the seller 買賣雙方的護照或是其他可以證明身分的文件影本
- Copies of the entry stamp(s) in the passport(s) of the foreign buyer and/or the seller外國買家和/或賣家護照上的入境章影本
- Foreign Exchange Transaction Certificate or Thor Thor 3 (for purchases in the name of a foreigner only)
泰國外匯兌換轉帳表或Thor Thor 3 (僅限買方為外國人)
- Company Documents updated for the last 3 months 公司最近3個月的文件
- Power of attorney (if TDC would like to act on client’s behalf) 委託書(如代表客戶)
Tax rate on the transfer: 移轉稅率
Land office tax for transfer of immovable property (land, house, condominium)
- Transfer Fee 2% over the appraised value of the property
- Business Tax 3.3% over the registered (sale) value or appraised value (whichever is higher)
營業稅超過註冊 (銷售)價或評估價的 3.3%(取較高者)
- Stamp Duty 0.5% over the registered value印花稅超過註冊價的0.5%
- Withholding tax; 預扣所得稅
*if the seller is a company withholding tax is fixed at 1% over the registered sale value or appraised value (whichever is higher)
如賣方為公司,預扣所得稅固定為註冊銷售價或評估價的 1%(取較高者)
*if the seller is a private person withholding tax is calculated at a progressive rate based on the appraised value of the property
如果賣方是私人,預扣稅根據 財產的評估價值按累進稅率計算
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