Excise Tax and Stamp Duties in Thailand
貨物稅Excise Tax
Excise tax is regulated by Excise Tax Act B.E. 2560 (2017), published in the Royal Thai Government Gazette on March 20, 2017, and is effective from September 16, 2017. The latest Act brings out seven excise duty regulations (including the Tobacco Act, Liquor Act, Card Act, Excise Tax Act and Excise Tariff Act).
Excise tax is an inland tax on the sale, or production for sale, of specific goods or a tax on a good produced for sale, or sold, within a country or licenses for specific activities. Excise tax is levied on selected goods (mainly luxury goods) such as tobacco, liquor, beer, soft drinks, crystal glasses, perfume and cosmetic products up to 72,000 BTU, and passenger cars with ten seats or less.
貨物稅是一項內地稅,針對在國內或是有特定活動許可證的產品銷售、特定產品銷售或是產品銷售的稅務進行徵收。 貨物稅針對特定商品(主要是奢侈品)徵稅,例如煙草、酒、啤酒、軟性飲料、水晶玻璃、香水和化妝品(最高為72,000 BTU)以及乘座人數不超過10人的客車。
印花稅Stamp Duty
Stamp Duty in Thailand is regulated by Thailand Revenue Code’s Stamp Duty Schedule. Stamp duties are taxed on instruments and not on transactions or persons. Stamp duty is a tax imposed on legal documents and other instruments such as land transfers and leases, stock transfers, debentures, letters of credit, mortgages, promissory notes, annuities, life insurance policies, powers of attorney and travelers’ checks.
The stamp must be affixed to a document when it is executed, if the document is executed in Thailand, or within 30 days the document is brought into Thailand.
Payment of the duty is certified by the attachment of a stamp. 印花稅是通過加蓋郵票來證明已付款。
Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax in Thailand 泰國遺產稅及贈與稅介紹
Personal Income Tax in Thailand 泰國個人所得稅
泰國增值稅介紹 Value Added Tax (VAT) in Thailand
IBC泰國法律金融會計事務所(International Business Consultancy)為一間位於曼谷的泰國律師/會計師事務所,由經驗豐富的律師、會計師、及財務顧問組成,可提供泰國投資、泰國稅收、泰國簽證、台灣泰國結婚代辦、及泰國法律諮詢的服務。
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