Personal Income Tax in Thailand 泰國個人所得稅
For every resident or non-resident who works or runs a business in Thailand, he/she is subject to personal income tax for the income earned in Thailand. “Resident” means any person residing in Thailand for more than 180 days in any tax year. A resident of Thailand is liable to pay tax on income from sources in Thailand as well as on the portion of income from foreign sources that is brought into Thailand. A non-resident is, however, subject to tax only on income sourced in Thailand.
Following is a personal income tax rate for your reference 以下為個人所得稅稅率
Income/Year (baht) 一年收入/泰銖 |
Personal Income Tax Rate (%) 個人所得稅稅率 |
150,000 or lower |
Exempt 免稅 |
150,001-300,000 |
5% |
300,001-500,000 |
10% |
500,001 to 750,000 |
15% |
750,001-1 million |
20% |
1,000,001 to 2 million |
25% |
2,000,001 to 5 million |
30% |
over 5 million |
35% |
There are some deductions and allowances for the calculation of income tax, such as 以下狀況可從個人所得稅扣除,例如
Type of deductions 減收類型 |
Amount (baht) 泰銖 |
Personal allowances 個人生活費 |
60,000 |
Spouse allowance配偶生活費 |
60,000 |
Children allowance小孩生活費 |
30,000/each |
Parents allowance父母生活費 |
30,000/each |
Life insurance生命保險 |
not exceeding 100,000 |
Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax in Thailand 泰國遺產稅及贈與稅介紹
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