
Thailand Issue Draft Amendment

Thailand Issue Draft Amendments for Insurance Laws



Thailand’s Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) announced draft amendments to the country’s laws for life and non-life insurance in December 2023, which brought out significant modifications for laws governing insurers. The aim of this amendment is to:

泰國保險委員會辦公室 (OIC) 2023 12 月宣布了該國人壽保險和非人壽保險法律修正案草案,對保險公司的監管法律進行了重大修改。修正案的目的是:


  • Raise governance standards within the insurance industry

      提高保險業 治理標準

  • Support compliance with the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

      支持遵守國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行 的金融部門評估計畫 (FSAP)

  • Address current regulatory enforcement issues

      解決目前監理 執行問題

  • Harmonize governance standards for insurance businesses with these for financial institutions

      協調保險企業與金融機構 的治理標準


Key changes of the amendment are as follows:



  1. Corporate Governance

      公司 治理

  • Broadening the definition of directors to include representatives of foreign insurers’ branches in Thailand

      擴大董事的定義,將外國保險公司在泰國分公司的 代表納入在

  • Adding the same standards of care and obligations on “persons having the authority to manage the company” as directors

      對 有權管理公司的人員施加與董事相同的注意和義務標準

  • Requiring OIC approval for appointment and reelection of directors

      董事的任命和連任需要 OIC的批准

  • Expanding the list of prohibited connected transactions to include lease of property

                擴大禁止關聯交易範圍, 將財產租賃納入其中


  1. Shareholding Requirements

      持股 要求

  • Requiring mandatory reporting to the OIC for individuals holding 5% or more of shares in an insurance company

      要求 持有保險公司5%或以上股份的個人強制向OIC報告

  • Requiring regulatory approval for 10% shareholding and prohibiting exceeding the limit without OIC approval or compliance with sub-regulations

            10% 持股需監理機關核准,未經OIC核准或未遵守子規定,禁止超出限制


  1. Dividend Payments

      支付 股利

  • Authorizing the OIC to issue sub-regulations on dividend payments from both life and non-life insurance companies

      授權 OIC發布有關壽險和非壽險公司支付股利的子法規


  1. Products and Distribution

      產品和 分銷

  • Allowing directors, staff and employees to sell insurance products after obtaining relevant training from the OIC

      允許董事、員工和員工在獲得 OIC的相關訓練後銷售保險產品

  • Granting insurers discretion to set group insurance premium rates following regulations, methods, and conditions set out by the OIC without having to obtain OIC approval

      賦予保險公司自由裁量權,可以根據 OIC的規定、方法和條件設定團體保險費率,而無需獲得OIC的批准

  • Allowing insurers to underwrite foreign currency-based insurance

      允許保險公司 承保外幣保險

  • Allowing insurers to offer additional benefits beyond policy stipulations in compliance with the relevant OIC sub-regulations

      允許保險公司依據 OIC的相關細則提供保單規定以外的額外福利


  1. Capital Fund and Finance

      資本與 財務

  • Establishing minimum capital fund requirements of approximately THB 1 billion for non-life and THB 5 billion for life insurers

      非壽險公司的最低資本要求約為 10 億泰銖,壽險公司的最低資本要求約為 50 億泰銖

  • Imposing sanctions if the capital fund falls below the required amount

      資本額低於規定金額 時實施制裁


The amendments are currently being reviewed and discussed by the Thai cabinet, and the process of finalizing and enacting them still requires a great amount of time. We will keep you posted if there is any update.


IBC International Consultancy is a Law, Finance, and Accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand. With Experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers, we provided services including investment, tax, and legal consultants in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.

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