

BOI Application Process in Thailand

泰國 BOI 申請流程


Please kindly see the BOI Thailand Application Process as below:



Step 1: Registration of the Investor Account


The BOI application can be submitted online through e-Investment Promotion system only, including any presentation that needs to be presented to BOI.

BOI 申請只能通過電子投資促進系統線上提交,包括需要向 BOI 提交的任何簡報。


Step 2: Prepare Application Form and Presentation


Once you have an account, you can log in to apply for the business category by fill in the application form for such activity and attach all the documents required such as Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Investment Plan, Man Power Plan, Milestone Check Point, etc.

(The BOI may require additional documents if necessary).


(如有必要,BOI 可能會要求提供其他文件)


After completed the application form, if BOI is received all information they required, they will send an email to arrange appointment for presentation with the board.

完成申請表後,如果 BOI 收到需要的所有資訊,將發送一封電子郵件安排與董事會的面試。


But if BOI have not received sufficient information for consideration, they will send email to inform you to amend any information and/or provide additional documents.

但如果 BOI 沒有收到足夠的資訊供考慮,將發送電子郵件通知您修改任何資訊和/或提供額外的文件。


(Timeframe of this step is depending on how long you can complete all information they required.)




Step 3: Presentation to the board


Once the Application and Presentation is approved by BOI, the Investor must go to BOI for the presentation by themselves. This process, the Investor cannot assign someone to go on his/her behalf because the BOI officer would like to interview the investor in person and they would like to see how serious you are about establishing your business in Thailand.

一旦申請和簡報獲得 BOI 核准,投資人必須親自前往 BOI 進行簡報。在這個過程中,投資人不能指定某人代表前往,因為BOI官員想親自面談投資人,他們想看看您對在泰國開展業務的認真程度。


However, the investor can go with the lawyers and his team as well. (BOI may limit the number of people who can join for the interview.)

但是,投資也可以與律師及其團隊一同前往(BOI 可能會限制參加面試的人數。)


After the interview, the board can reject your project immediately but cannot approve immediately, because they need to get approval again from the higher supervisor.



Moreover, they can also advise to amend the Application and/or provide more material.

After all information is completed, they will provide the time frame for the result.




Step 4: Notification of Approval or Rejection


The BOI will send the notification whether the application is approved or rejected around 30 days (or maybe more) after the presentation date via email.

BOI 將在提交日期後約 30 (或更長時間)通過電子郵件發送申請是否被批准核准或拒絕的通知。


Once the BOI send notification of approval, you must submit the form of acknowledgment of the privilege within 30 days from the date of notification.

一旦 BOI 發出核准通知,您必須在通知之日起 30 天內提交特權確認表。


Step 5: Thailand Company Registration


When you get a notification of approval, you must set up a company limited with at least 3 individual shareholders (can be more than 3) within 6 months after your application get approved by BOI and also open the bank account for the company.

您收到核准通知後,必須在您的申請獲得 BOI 核准後的 6 個月內成立一家至少有 3 名個人股東(可以超過 3 )的有限公司,並為該公司開立銀行帳戶。


Please note that one of the directors and shareholder must be the investor who applied for the application of BOI Thailand.




Step 6: The investor transfers registered capital (money) to the company’s bank account


The investor must transfer money from overseas to the company’s bank account (must be from oversea). The minimum required transfer is 25 percent of the registered capital.

投資人必須將資金從海外轉入公司的銀行帳戶(必須來自海外)。最低要求的移轉是註冊資本的 25%


Please highly note that the sender of the money must be the name of the investor and the receiver of money must be the company’s name. After that, you can get credit advice from the bank.



Step 7: Submit Company’s document to BOI


You must scan all incorporation documents with the credit advice and submit to the BOI via online system. After that, you need to wait for their preparation of BOI Certificate around 7-10 working days.

您必須掃描所有帶有信用建議的公司文件,並通過線上系統提交給 BOI。之後您需要大約7-10個工作日等待他們準備BOI 證書。


Step 8: Pick up the BOI Certificate


After the submission of the incorporation documents around 7-10 working days, the BOI will notify you via email that the Certificate is ready to pick up.

大約 7-10 個工作日提交公司註冊文件後,BOI 將通過電子郵件通知您可以領取證書。



Please note that timeframe of each step may be changed, depending on the BOI consideration.

請注意,每個步驟的時間框架所需時間可能會根據 BOI 的考慮而改變。



***In case the company has been registered and wishing to apply for a BOI promotion, therefore, must meet the eligibility criteria specified by BOI and follow the process as below:

如果公司已經註冊並希望申請 BOI 優惠,必須滿足 BOI 指定的資格標準並遵循以下流程:


  1. Registered the company



  1. Obtain Taxpayer Identification Number


  1. Register New Business when hiring 1 or more employees (for further registration of social security and workmen’s compensation fund)




  1. Submit Company Work Regulations (if any) when hiring 10 or more employees.

僱用 10 名或更多員工時,請提交公司工作規定(如有)


  1. Officer verifies all documents and completes the registration.



  1. Make Payment and receive Registration Certificate, Receipt Note of Copy of Company Work Regulations.



  1. Start the Business.



After that, you can follow step 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 above mentioned.

之後您可以按照上述步驟 12347 8 進行操作。

IBC International Consultancy is a Law, Finance, and Accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand. With Experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers, we provided services including investment, tax, and legal consultants in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.

IBC泰國法律金融會計事務所 (International Business Consultancy) 為一間位於曼谷的泰國法律金融會計事務所,由經驗豐富的律師、會計師、及財務顧問組成,可提供泰國投資、泰國稅收及泰國法律諮詢等服務。如果有什麼問題,可以隨時通過Line: @ibcfirm與我們聯繫。

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