What You Should Know about Thai Social Security Program as an Employee
Working as a permanent employee in Thailand always comes with benefits. It is mandatory by law that all employees of private or any Industry in Thailand must be subjected to Social Security. In each cycle of payment of permanent employee, the employee’s wages will be deducted from a small portion of money and be submitted to the Office of Social Security of Thailand. Thus, such employee could enjoy benefits in various way which includes various “umbrella funds” where the unfortunate or unexpected event occurred to have the benefits of withdrawing the funds to support in the time of need.
In order to become subject to the Thai Social Security, under Section 33 of the Social Security Act, the individual must be
成為泰國社會保險的對象,根據《社會保險法》第 33 條,個人必須是
- Older than 15 years of age, but no more than 60.
十五歲以上 六十歲以下。
- Having employment with a certain employer in Thailand.
Such Social Security Scheme does not discriminate against the nationality of the Insurer. All employees regardless of nationality shall be eligible to become the insurer of Social Security of Thailand.
These types of insurers are called “Insurers under Section 33” which, after the employee has been insured under the Social Security Act, in each payroll, the contributions to the Social Security funds shall be paid accordingly to the percentage as the government gazette announced. One important thing to note is that in normal circumstances, the funding rate is not always calculated accordingly to the employee’s wages, when the calculations between the employee’s wages and monthly social security is reached, the rate of 750 THB will be paid and no more of that shall be made. To visualize, refer to the following example:
這些類型的保險人被稱為“第 33 條下的保險人”,員工根據《社會保險法》投保後,在每張薪資單社會保險基金的供款應按照政府公報公佈的百分比支付。需要注意的一點是,在正常情況下資金費率並不總是根據員工的薪資計算,當員工薪資與每月社會保險金之間的計算達到,將支付 750 泰銖的費率、不會超過那應該做的。設想參考以下示例:
[On normal circumstances, the rate of 5% of the employee’s wages shall be submitted to
the Social Security Funds which, the calculation shall be:
If Employee gets 10,000 THB per month = 500 THB shall be paid to Social Security funds
如果員工每月獲得 10,000 泰銖 = 應支付社會保險基金500 泰銖
If Employee gets 12,500 THB per month = 625 THB shall be paid to Social Security funds
如果員工每月獲得 12,500 泰銖 = 應支付給社會保險基金625 泰銖
If Employee gets 15,000 THB per month = 750 THB shall be paid to Social Security funds
如果員工每月獲得 15,000 泰銖 = 應支付社會保險基金750 泰銖
However, if the amount to be submitted hits 750 THB, the flat rates applied
但是,如果要提交的金額達到 750 泰銖則適用統一費率
If Employee gets 17,500 THB per month = 750 THB shall be paid to Social Security funds
如果員工每月獲得 17,500泰銖 = 應支付社會保險基金750 泰銖
If Employee gets 20,000 THB per month = 750 THB shall be paid to Social Security funds and so on, if the wages increase, the amount to be paid will stay at 750 THB.
如果員工每月獲得20,000 THB = 應支付社會保險基金750 泰銖750 THB 應支付給社會保障基金,並且,如果漲薪資,支付金額將維持在750 泰銖。
As of December 2022, the Government announced the rate shall be at 3% of the employee’s wages. Such rates are subject to changes, so stay tuned to the news and announcement.
自 2022 年 12 月起,政府宣布稅率為員工工資的 3%。此類費率可能會發生變化,敬請關注新聞和公告。
In such Social Security’s system, the government and the Employer shall have the duty to pay the support funds on top of the Employee’s deducted rate. Both Government and the Employer shall pay at the rate as announced by the government gazette which, as of December 2022, the Government shall pay to support the employee for 2.75% of the employee’s wages, and the Employer shall pay at 3% of the employee’s rate every month.
These are the normal circumstances where the employees are having permanent employment, however, there are special circumstances, where the employee has been terminated or is unemployed under Section 33(2) which the employment is ended if the person wishes to still stays in the Social Security program, such individual shall do the following:
這些是員工擁有永久性工作的正常情況,但是在特殊情況,當員工已根據第 33(2) 條被解僱或失業,如果此人希望繼續留在社會保險計畫,此人應執行以下:
- Must at least, be hired before and;
必須至少在 這之前被雇用 ;
- Has been paid the Social Security funds for at least 12 months during the employment.
Such individuals will be eligible to stay in the Social Security Program, however, the circumstances of payment to the Social Security funds will be changed from the ratio calculations to a fixed rate per month instead. These types of insurers are called “Insurer under Section 39.”
這些人將有資格繼續參加社會保險計劃,但是社會保險基金的支付情況將從按比例計算改為每月固定費率。這些類型的保險人被稱為“第 39 條的保險人”。
As of December 2022, the insurer under Section 39 shall be entitled to pay to Social Security Funds at the flat rate of 240 THB per month.
自 2022 年 12 月起,第 39 條規定的保險人有權按每月 240 泰銖的統一費率支付社會保險基金費用。
All calculations of Rates, Flat Rates and Support Funds by the Government or Employer shall be calculated on the basis of 3 months for each period. All rates are subject to change.
Benefits of the Social Security Program
In the Social Security Program, there are mainly 2 types of funds that the insurer shall receive, which are:
- Social Security Funds: With this type of funds, the insurer shall be able to claim the available funds from the incidents that took place “outside” of normal working. This fund is from what we have discussed previously that Government, Employer, and Employee shall submit to the Social Security Program every month.
社會保險基金 :有了這種類型的資金,保險人可以從正常工作“之外”發生的事件中索取可用資金。這筆資金來自於我們之前討論過的政府、雇主和員工每月必須向社會保險計劃提交的資金。
The benefits shall be included, but not limited to Illness, Disability, Death, etc. which shall be discussed later and;
福利應包括但不限於疾病、殘疾 、死亡等,將在後面討論和 ;
- Compensation Funds: In this type of fund, the insurer shall be able to claim the available funds if such an incident is taking place “within cause or normal business” where the employee suffered injuries from the work. In this type of fund, the Employer shall be the one whose sole responsibility is to pay for the Social Security program at the beginning of the year.
賠償基金 :在此類基金中,如果此類事件發生在員工因工受傷的“原因或正常業務範圍內”,保險人將能夠要求可用資金。在此類基金中,雇主應是唯一負責支付年初社會保險計劃的人。
For two types of available funds, the detailed benefits shall be as such:
Occurred from non-occupational illnesses (Social Security Funds) 非職業病(社會保險基金) |
Occurred from the occupational incident (Compensation Funds) 因職業事故而發生(賠償基金) |
Injuries 受傷 |
If the insurer contributes to the Social Security funds for no less than 3 months out of the previous 15 months before the date of receiving medical care: 如果保險人在接受醫療護理之日前的前 15 個月中有不少於 3 個月繳納社會保險基金:
醫療費 :保險人有權在指定醫院享受免費醫療保健服務
收入損失賠償:員工每年缺勤不超過90天,一年不超過180天時,保險人將獲得薪資的50%。患有慢性病的員工享受福利的期限在 180 天以上,但不超過 365 天。 |
Immediately received with the employment: 立即就業:
醫療費 :最多可支付實際金額不超過 45,000 泰銖。如果嚴重受傷,將額外獲得 65,000 泰銖,並且可以延長,但不超過 300,000 泰銖
收入損失補償:薪資的 的60%,不超過1年
如因此類情況致殘 :薪資的60%,不超過10年
康復費用 :不超過實際應付金額的 20,000 泰銖
康復手術:不超過 20,000 泰銖 |
Disability 失能 |
if the insurer contributes to the Social Security funds for no less than 3 months out of the previous 15 months before the date of receiving the disability; 如果保險人接受殘疾之日之前的前 15 個月中至少有 3 個月向社會保險基金繳費;
收入損失補償 :終身薪資的50%。
醫療費 :
如果住進州立醫院 :
門診 :所有費用均可報銷。
住院患者 :所有醫療服務和帳單均應通過 DRG 系統支付
如果住進私立醫院 :
門診病人 :不超過 2,000 泰銖/月的索賠額。
住院病人:每月可索賠不超過 4,000 泰銖。 * Every insurer shall be entitled to transportation costs to receive medical care for 500 THB/month* *每個保險人都有權獲得交通費以接受每月 500 泰銖的醫療服務*
康復費 :應與補償基金一樣支付
殘疾死亡 :應按非職業事故發生的相同死亡率支付。 |
Immediately received with the employment: 立即就業:
收入損失補償:薪資的60%,不超過15年。 |
Death 過世 |
if the insurer contributes to the social security funds for 1 month out of the previous 6 months before the date of death, the insurer’s family shall receive: 如保險人過世前6個月中有1個月繳納社會保險基金,保險人家屬應領取:
葬禮費 40,000 泰銖
支持津貼 :
如果保險人繳費不少於 36 個月但不超過 10 年:直系親屬應支付保險人工資薪資的 1.5 倍,並且;
如果保險人繳費超過 10年:直系親屬應支付保險人薪資的5倍。
Immediately received with the employment: 立即就業:
喪葬費 :最低日薪的100倍
補償費 :給直系親屬工資的60%,不超過8年
Old Age 年長者 |
if the insurer ages reach 55 and above, when the insurer is retired or ends employment, the following shall be entitled to the insurer: 如果保險人年齡達到55歲及以上,當保險人退休或終止工作,保險人有權享有以下權利:
如果保險人繳費超過 180個月:保險人將獲得平均60個月薪資的20%的“每月津貼”。如果超過,每12個月增加1.5%,每12個月增加1.5%。
如果保險人繳納的資金少於 180 個月,保險人將收到“一次性付款”,該金額等於保險人向社會保險計劃繳納的金額加上雇主向社會保險繳納的金額計劃,而保險人年齡在 55 歲及以上。但是,如果保險人在他們年滿 55 歲時支付的款項少於 12 個月,保險人只會收到與繳費相等的金額。
Child Support 子女撫養費 |
if the insurer contributes to the social security funds for 12 months out of the previous 36 months before such right occurred; the insurer receives the following: 如果保險人在該權利發生之前的前 36 個月中有 12 個月繳納社會保險基金;保險人收到以下資訊:
每個孩子每月 400 泰銖的津貼,不超過 2 個孩子,並且這些孩子年齡小於 6 歲。
Unemployment Support 失業補助 |
if the insurer contributes to the social security funds for 6 months out of the previous 15 months before the date of unemployment: 如果保險人在失業日期之前的前 15 個月中有 6 個月繳納社會保險基金
如果失業是自願的 :薪資的 50%,不超過 180 天
如果失業是因辭職或聘僱期間 結束:薪資的30%應在不超過90天的時間內支付。 (with the exception of Insurer under Section 39, this insurer will not receive this right) (除第 39 條規定的保險人外,該保險人不會獲得此權利)
All rights that are claimable under the Social Security Funds shall have its prescription of 1 year from the date of such claimable rights is occurred.
All rights that are claimable under the Compensation Funds shall be claimable within 15 days from the incident is occurred by the Employer. Or within 180 days from the incident is occurred by the Employee or Rightful persons.
雇主應在事故發生後 15 天內,根據賠償基金索賠的所有權利。或者在員工或合法人員發生事件後180 天內。
IBC International Consultancy is a Law, Finance, and Accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand. With Experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers, we provided services including investment, tax, and legal consultants in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.
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