

Thailand Imposing VAT on Foreign Digital Service Providers is Effective



On February 10, Thai government published Revenue Code (No.53) B.E. 2564 (2021) which imposes Value-added tax (VAT) on foreign digital services providers. These global e-services include but are not limited to websites, smartphone application, and social media. The amended act is effective on September 1.




According to guideline provided from Thai Revenue Department,[1] the applicable e-Service providers are:


  • Provide electronic services from abroad;


  • The service is used in Thailand by non-VAT registered customers;


  • Having income from such service more than 1.8 million baht in a calendar year. 

      在一個日曆年內從此類服務賺取超過 180 萬泰銖的收入。


In addition the applicable e-Platform includes:



  • Having continuous processes which consist of offering e-service such as platform to download movies, music, stickers, games, brokers, advertising materials, receiving payment, and deliver service on behalf of the service providers;


  • Such service is used in Thailand by non-VAT registered customers;


  • Having income from the service more than 1.8 million baht in a calendar year.

           在一個日曆年內從此類服務賺取超過 180 萬泰銖的收入。


These e-Service and e-Platform providers are banned from issuing tax invoices to their users and shall register and report VAT. However, sales for e-Books such as textbooks, magazines, and newspapers which are in electronic form are exempted from VAT.




At this moment, it’s important for a company to understand whether it is an e-Service provider or an e-Platform operator, and to determine the source of revenue is complied with new VAT requirements.




For further information regarding VAT in Thailand, you may also read our below articles:



  1. VAT may be imposed on Foreign Digital Services in Thailand at

      泰國將對國外電子服 務徵收增值稅


  1. Value-Added Tax (VAT) in Thailand at



  1. What You Should Know When to File Taxes in Thailand Part II at

      您應該知道在泰國報稅的時間 Part II  



Please contact us if you have any questions or needs further assistance on this matter.


IBC International Business Consultancy is a law, finance and accounting firm located in Bangkok, Thailand with experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers. We provide services including investment, tax and legal advice in Thailand. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Line: @ibcfirm for further information.


IBC泰國法律金融會計事務所 (International Business Consultancy) 為一間位於曼谷的泰國法律金融會計事務所,由經驗豐富的律師、會計師、及財務顧問組成,可提供泰國投資、泰國稅收及泰國法律諮詢等服務。如果有什麼問題,可以隨時通過Line: @ibcfirm與我們聯繫。


[1] A Guide on VAT on Electronic Service Provided to Non-VAT Registrants in Thailand by Non-resident Business Person published by the Revenue Department on July 2021.

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