What You Should Know When Filing Civil Lawsuit in Thailand
In our daily life, it is inevitably to face civil disputes such as contract disputes, distribution of inheritance, and unjust enrichment. When deciding to file a civil lawsuit, it’s important to know basic procedure.
Following is basic introduction of civil lawsuit:
1. Determine the right Court to file a lawsuit
First is to decide whether to start the case at Kwaeng Court or Provincial Court. In our earlier article “Introduction of Different Types of Courts in Thailand” (https://0rz.tw/Yckqd), we have introduced the function of Kwaeng Court and other courts which handle specific kind of civil cases.
首先要決定向地方法院或是省級法院開始訴訟。在我們先前的文章 ”泰國法院介紹” (https://0rz.tw/Yckqd) 有介紹過地方法院以及其他專門處理特定民事案件的法院的功能。
On the other hand, Kwaeng Court is in charges of civil cases that:
- The amount is more than 300,000 baht;
- The case isn’t related to money, which the claimant request to cease the disturbance, annoyance or damage;
- It’s a non-contentious case, such as requesting court order to determine the incapacitated of a person.
In case in a province where there is no Kwaeng Court, the Provincial Court will take the role of Kwaeng Court.
In addition, normally a lawsuit should be filed to Court within the province where the defendant resides or the place where the dispute happens. It also determines whether there’s an agreement which indicate where to file a lawsuit when there is a dispute. For further information, please check Thai Civil Procedure Code, Section 4(1).
此外,通常案件會在被告所在、或是爭議發生的省提起訴訟。另外,有無合約規定爭議發生時的起訴法院也會決定起訴的地點。如需進一步資訊,請參考《泰國民事訴訟法第 4(1) 條》。
- Preparing relevant documents
- Complaint and relevant supporting evidence;
- Power of Attorney: in case you appoint a lawyer(s);
- Official documents of personal information of defendant(s);
- Affidavit.
- Paying relevant fees
The relevant fees should be paid include:
- Court fees, which are fees charge by court, being paid when starting a lawsuit or filing an appeal. The court fees for monetary and non-monetary cases are different. There are also some fees required under Thai Civil Procedure Code.
- Other court fees in civil cases
For example, fee for certification requesting judgment or its order shall be 50 baht.
舉例來說,確定判決或命令的核實費為 50 泰銖。
- Other expenses: such as witness fees, travel expenses, and appraisal cost.
According to Section 149 under Thai Civil Procedure Code, if a plaintiff or a defendant is not able to pay its court fees, they may file an application by motion to exempt such fees.
根據泰國民事訴訟法第 149 條,如果原告或被告無法分擔法庭費用,他們可以通過動議提交申請,免除此類費用。
4. General procedure once the documents are submitted
Please refer to our earlier article “General Procedure of Thai Civil Lawsuit” at https://0rz.tw/UT4w9
請參考我們之前的文章”泰國民事訴訟一般程序” https://0rz.tw/UT4w9
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