Thai Government Proposed to Lighten Restriction
on Buying Houses for Foreigners in Thailand
Thai Minister of Energy, Mr. Supattanapong Punmeechaow declared this month that in order to improve Thai economy situation, the government intended to revise laws to lighten restriction of foreign investors to buy real estate and lease lands in Thailand. During the pandemic, people all over the world is seeking place with better health and hygienic quality. Therefore, the government wants to adjust the current laws and regulations to attract foreign investors to live and consume in Thailand.
Following are key points of the changes:
- The government allows foreigners to purchase Thai real estate directly. Land laws will be amended to allow foreigners to buy real estate with their passports instead of using the name of their Thai companies. However, the real estate is only available from Thai government housing development projects, and the price should only be around ten million and 15 million baht.
- Based on current Thai Condominium Act, foreigners are only allowed to possess 49% of the ownership, and 51% ownership is possessed by Thai (for information of house ownership for foreigners in Thailand, please refer to our article “Transfer of Ownership for Foreigners in Thailand” at ). The government intends to raise house ownership for foreigners to 70%-80%, the exact percentage is still under discussion.
依目前的《泰國共管公寓法》,外國人僅能持有公寓 49%的產權,其餘51%由泰國人擁有 (有關外國人持有不動產的規定,請參考我們之前的文章 “外國人在泰國移轉房屋所有權” )。本次修法將提升為70%-80%,確切數據仍在討論中。
- The above-mentioned new proposals are only applied for 3-5 years in order to attract foreign investors to recover economy and real estate market in Thailand.
- With current regulations, lands can only be leased to foreigners for 30 years (for information of land lease in Thailand, please refer to our article “Land Lease in Thailand” at ). The government intends to amend Thai Civil and Commercial Code to extend the deadline to 50 years with 40 years extension, which is 90 years in total.
現有的法規規定外國人僅可承租土地 30年 (有關泰國土地租賃現有規定,請參考我們之前的文章 “泰國土地租賃”。政府擬修正《泰國民商法》,將年限提高為50+40年,即90年。
The new proposals are still under internal discussion, when the draft is finalized, such draft will be sent to Thai cabinet for determination. We will inform you once there is any progress.
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