Introduction of International Trade Center
International Trade Center (“ITC”) is a type of company incorporated under Thai laws to operate business of purchasing and selling goods, raw materials and components or providing services relating to international trade to juristic persons established under foreign law.[1]
泰國國際貿易中心 (“ITC”) 為依泰國法律註冊設立的公司,業務為採購及販售商品、原物料及零組件,或向依外國法註冊設立的法人提供國際貿易服務。
The related services include:[2]
- Procurement of goods
- Sales of products, raw materials and components
產品,原材料和 零件的銷售
- Case: Domestic sales 案例:國內銷售
Considered as a wholesale business under List 3 (15), foreigners can hold 100% of shares.
根據清單 3(15)被視為批發業務,外國人可以持有其100%的股份。
- Case: Selling abroad 案例:銷往國外
Considered as an export business. No permission is required.
被視為出口業務 。無需許可
- Warehousing and inventory services prior to delivery
交貨前的倉儲及 庫存服務
- Packaging services
- Transportation of goods
- Insurance on goods
- Advisory, technical and training services on goods
商品資訊、 技術及訓練服務
- And other services as prescribed by the Director-General of the Revenue Department
以及其他依據泰 國稅務局局長規定的服務
The qualifications for setting up an ITC are:[3]
- 10 million baht as minimum paid-up capital in an accounting period
每個會計年度須至少 有一千萬泰銖實收資本額
- 15 million baht as minimum operating expenses paid to recipients in Thailand in an accounting period
每個會計年度在泰國須至少有一 千五百萬泰銖運營支出
The relevant application information and documents include:[4]
- Company profile
- Activities to apply
- Company’s accounting period
公司財務 年度
- Number of pages of business plan
營業計劃 的頁數
- Number of expatriates working in ITC entitled to PIT benefit
- Signature of authorized director and company’s seal
公司授權董事 簽名及公司章
- Power of Attorney (in the case of submitting an application on behalf of an
authorized signatory director)
- Copy of national identity card or foreigner certificate / passport (in case of
foreigners) of the authorized and attorney.
The benefits of setting up an ITC are provided from Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) and Revenue Department.
Incentives from BOI[5]
- Exemption of import duties on imported machinery;
免收或減免 機器進口稅
- Exemption of import duties on imported materials and components (if for export);
免收或減免生產出口產 品所需物料及零組件進口稅
- Waiver of equity restrictions for foreign investors (100% foreign ownership);
- 無外國投資人持股限制 (100%外商持股)
- Permit to own land;
- 允許擁有土 地所有權
- Permit to bring experts to work with promoted activities
- 允許專家在泰國進行投資推廣項目
Incentives from Revenue Department[6]
- Corporate income tax exemption for 15 accounting period
- 15個會計年度免企業所得稅
- Reduction of personal income tax
- 減收個人 所得稅
- Dividends paid out of corporate income tax exemption income
- 股息從減免的企業所得稅收入支付
延伸閱讀泰國法院介紹 Introduction of Different Types of Courts in Thailand
IBCFirm was formed by highly talented and progressive lawyers, financial advisors and accountants. Our partners were all graduated from well-known universities in Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Japan. Our alliance firms include firms in Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, America, Australia, France and South Africa, majoring in law, finance, investment, taxation and accounting, fluent in Chinese, Thai, English and Japanese. Our lawyer is also the legal advisor from Taipei Economic and Culture Office in Thailand (“TECO”).
IBC 泰國法律金融會計事務所是由具才華且傑出的律師、財務顧問和會計師組成,本所合夥人畢業於泰國、英國、美國、澳洲、日本知名大學,結盟的事務所遍及台灣、日本、新加坡、美國、澳洲、法國、南非等。所學專業為法律、金融、投資、稅務及會計,精通中文、泰文、英文及日文。本所律師也是駐泰代表處義務諮詢律師。
[1] ROYAL DECREE No. 586 Issued under the Revenue Code B.E. 2558 (2015).