Meanings of Color of Land in Thailand
- Yellow: Low density populated area. It’s for office buildings. The percentage of usage can’t be more than 40%. Located in a suburban location directed by code from Yor. 1– Yor. 4, the goal is to have a good living environment.
Prohibited: Factories, natural gas storage rooms, oil refineries, poultry farms (horses, sheep, geese, chickens, ducks, snakes, crocodiles or wild animals, etc.), cemeteries, slaughterhouses, agricultural product warehouses, waste treatment plants, and places where waste products are traded or collected.
黃色:初等居住用地。用於人口稀疏,建立日常辦公建築。使用面積不能超過 40%。位於郊區 從Yor.1 到Yor.4的代碼指導,目標是擁有一個良好的生活環境。
禁止:工廠,天然氣儲藏室,煉油廠,飼養場(馬,羊,鵝,雞,鴨,蛇,鰐魚或者野生動物等), 墓地,屠宰場,農業產品倉庫,廢物處理廠,交易或收集廢棄物品的場所。
- Orange: Medium density populated area. It’s for office buildings. The percentage of usage can’t be more than 40%. Directed by code from Yor. 5 – Yor. 7, able to build housing in all forms.
Prohibited: Factories, wastewater treatment plants, oil refineries, poultry farms (horses, goats, geese, chickens, ducks, snakes, crocodiles or wild animals, etc.), cemeteries, slaughterhouses, agricultural product warehouses, waste treatment plants and places where waste products are traded or collected.
橙色:中等居住用地。用於人口一般密集,建立日常辦公建築。使用面積不能超過 40%。從Yor.5 到Yor.7的代碼指導,能夠建造任何類型的房 屋。
禁止:工廠,廢水處理廠,煉油廠,飼養場(馬羊,鵝,雞,鴨,蛇,鰐魚或者野生動物等) 墓地,屠宰場,農業產品倉庫,廢物處理廠和交易或收集廢棄物品的場所。
- Red: Lands for commerce and crowned residence. It is a high-density populated area and is for office buildings. The percentage of usage can’t be more than 40%. Directed by code from Por. 1 – Por. 5, represents an area intended for commercial purposes. Can build a residence and has less restrictions than other colors of land.
Prohibited: To build factories, warehouses, waste treatment plants, cemeteries, slaughterhouses, agricultural warehouses, places where waste products are traded or collected.
紅色:商業和密集居住用地。人口密集用地,建立日常辦公建築。使用面積不能超過 40%。從Por.1 到Por.5的代碼指導,它代表一個用於商業目的的區域。 可以建造住宅,並且比其他顏色的土地擁有更少的限制。
禁止:工廠,倉庫,廢物處理廠,墓地,屠宰場,農業倉庫, 交易或收集廢棄物品的場所。
- Purple: Industrial and warehouse lands. The percentage of usage can’t be more than 40%. Directed by code from Aor. 1 – Aor. 3, can build residence.
Prohibited: To build services providing buildings. It is not allowed to build tall residential buildings and large condominium.
紫色:工業和倉庫類用地。使用面積不能超過 40%。從Aor.1 到Aor.3的代碼指導,可以建住宅。
禁止:不可建立高層居 住樓房,排房。
- Light Purple: Used as a warehouse space for regional shipping in Southeast Asia. Directed by code from Aor. 3.
Prohibited: To build services providing buildings. It is not allowed to build tall residential buildings and terraced houses.
淺紫色:用作東南亞區域運輸的倉庫。從 Aor.3的代碼指導。
禁止:服務類建築。不可建立高 層居住樓房,排房。
- Green: Agricultural Lands. It can be used for planning crops and everything related to agriculture. The percentage of usage can’t be more than 40%. Directed by code from Kor. 4 – Kor. 5.
Prohibited: To build sewage treatment plant, hotels, and services providing area. It can’t be used in commerce, unless is for residential purpose (5%). It is not allowed to build tall residential buildings.
禁止:廢水廠,酒店,服務類建築,工業建築。不可建立用於商業用途的建築,除非是居住地 ( 5%)。不可建立高層居住樓房。從Kor.4 到Kor.5的代碼指導。
- Blue: Lands for Government land Public utilities and utilities. It is the land of the state, there are educational institutions, religious institutions, hospitals and various government places. Directed by code from Sor.
青色:政府土地 公用事業及公用事業。 這是擁有教育機構,宗教機構,醫院和各種政府場所的州土地。
- Light Green: For rural and agricultural land. Directed by code from Kor. 1 – Kor. 3. It is a type of land for rural conservation and agriculture. To conserve and preserve the natural resources of rural areas and agricultural areas.
淺綠色:教育用地。從 Kor.1 到Kor.3的代碼指導。這是一種用於農村保護和農業的土地。旨在保護農村和農業地區的自然資源 。
- Light Grey: Lands for religious institutes.
淺灰色:宗教 用地。
- Dark Blue: Lands for public utility. It is used for government to build public utility .
深藍色:公共設施用地。用於政府 建立公共設施。
- Brown: High density populated area, directed by code from Yor. 8 – Yor. 10, able to build housing in all forms. Because the land has a high value various vertical residential projects therefore sprang up in the heart of the city both condominium and residences.
棕色:高密度居住區 , 從Yor.8 到Yor.10的代碼指導,能夠建造任何類型的房屋。由於土地具有很高的價值,因此各種垂直的住宅項目都在城市中心地帶興起,包括公寓和住宅。
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