Criminal Law Procedure in Thailand
In Thailand, criminal action is regulated by Thai Criminal Code B.E. 2499 (1956) (or Thailand Penal Code). According to the Law, it shall apply to acts performed in Thailand. In addition, such act shall be deemed to be performed inside the Kingdom even it is partially performed inside the Kingdom, or if its result occurs inside the Kingdom in conformity with the intent of the offender or if, by nature of the act, its result ought to occur inside the Kingdom or it could be conjectured that such result would occur inside the Kingdom.
泰國刑事訴訟的依據為佛曆2499年《泰國刑法》 (1956年)(或稱《泰國刑法典》)。該法規定在泰國境內發生的行為。此外,即使是部分在泰國的行為、行為的後果在泰國展現出來、本質上應該在泰國發展、或者可以推測在泰國境內發生的事,也會被視為在國內發生的。
Before we talk about criminal procedure, there are few things you should know regarding the criminal system in Thailand:
- An accused is innocent until he/she is proven guilty;
被告在被證明 有罪之前都是清白的;
- Police have right to detain an accused for 48 hours without official charges;
警方可在正式 起訴之前將嫌犯扣留 48小時;
- Although the alleged offender has right to apply to bail out, it is rarely approved;
- It’s possible that an alleged offender will be sentenced with death penalty;
- There is no jury system in Thailand.
Below are rights of an alleged offender
- Remain silence and not required to provide any statements during the investigation;
- Receive reasonable visit from relatives;
- Receive medical treatment when you are sick;
- Able to hire and to consult a lawyer in privately;
可聘雇並 諮詢律師;
- Let the lawyer or reliable person to attend the interrogation at the investigation stage.
在調查階段讓律師 或可依賴的人參加審訊。
In addition, as we have written before, the courts of justice are classified into three levels. Therefore, first hearing will be held in Criminal Court (or Municipal Court, based on maximum sentence), and then Appeal Court, finally the Supreme Court.
Following is criminal procedure in Thailand:
1. Being detained; 被拘留
2.The police must produce a document regarding the personal profile of the accused and a copy of the arrest record within 24 hours when the accused is brought to the police station;
3. The suspect will be sent to Thailand Immigration Office if he/she is a foreigner;
如果嫌疑人為外國人, 會被帶去泰國移民局;
4. Notify the respective embassy, consulate, and Interpol central office in which the accused has the nationality and check with his/her criminal record;
如果嫌疑人為外國人, 將通知嫌疑人所屬國籍的大使館、領事館 及國際刑警組織,並確認犯罪紀錄;
5. Double check whether the alleged offender has other crimes. Also check the visa permission of the suspect if he/she is a foreigner.
如果嫌疑人為外國人, 確認嫌犯有無犯其他罪,並確認其居留權。
6. Police must conduct investigation and bring the case to the prosecutor within 48 hours as mentioned earlier. In the meanwhile, the accused has the right to apply to bail out within 48 hours. If the police need more time for the investigation, the accused will be detained for no longer than 12 days per time, and need to request from the court.
警方必須在 48小時內完成調查並將案件交付檢察官,與此同時嫌犯可在48小時內申請保釋。如警方需更多調查時間,須向法院申請延長嫌疑人的扣留時間,一次不得超過12天。
7. If the case is brought to a prosecutor in time, police will bring the suspect to court to request 1st detention warrant. Before issuing the warrant, the court will ask the suspect’s consent. The suspect has the right to refuse if the police has no evidences to detain further. If the case is serious, the court will allow imprisonment for no longer than 12 days per time, but the total hours should not exceed 84 days.
如果案件及時送交檢察官,警方會帶嫌疑人去法院要求第一張拘 捕令。在發出拘捕令前法院會詢問嫌疑人是否同意;如警察沒有 證據,嫌疑人有權拒絕。法院針對重大案件允許每次扣留不超過 12天,但總時數不得超過84天。
8. When the procedure receives the case from police, he/she will consider whether the evidence is reliable and decide whether to file a lawsuit or not.
當檢察官收到警方的資料, 會審閱證據並決定是否要起訴。
9. Once the lawsuit is filed, the court will inquiry whether the defendant need a lawyer or not. If the case is punishable by death or the defendant is not more than 18 years old, the court will appoint a defense lawyer.
案件起訴後,法院會詢問被告是否需要辯護律師。 如為嚴重案件例如死刑或是被告未滿 18歲,法院會指派辯護律師。
10. Once all evidence has been submitted, the court will set a date to announce the judgment. It is generally two to four weeks after the last hearing date.
11. Appeal of the judgment of the First Instance is feasible within one month of verdict to the Appeal Court.
如任一方對初審法院的決定不服, 可在一個月內向上訴法院上訴。
12. Decision made by Appeals Court can appeal to Supreme Court within one month.
IBC International Business Consultancy is a law firm located in Bangkok, Thailand with experienced lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers. We provide services including investment, tax and legal advice in Thailand.
IBC泰國法律金融會計事務所 (International Business Consultancy) 為一間位於曼谷的泰國會計師/律師事務所,由經驗豐富的律師、會計師、及財務顧問組成,可提供泰國投資、泰國稅收及泰國法律諮詢等服務。
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