
Testament in Thailand泰國遺囑介紹 Part II

前情提要:Testament in Thailand泰國遺囑介紹 Part I

Wills made with words書面遺囑

When there are special circumstances that the testator is not able to make a will based on the law, such as being in danger, nearly death, when there is an epidemic or war and there is no stationery in hand, a testator can be made his will verbally.


1. The testator declares his intention to make a will before at least 2 witnesses present at the same time.


2. All witnesses must present themselves to the sheriff without delay and inform the sheriff of these messages:


-Messages verbally ordered by the testator 遺囑人的口頭遺囑

-Date, month, year, place of will 遺囑的日期及地點

-Special circumstances that will prevent the will of the will in any other form as provided by law 無法依法設立遺囑的原因

3. The sheriff shall write down the statements provided by the witnesses, and all witnesses must sign if unable to provide fingerprints.



  •    Dissolution of statutory heirs from inheritance取消法定繼承人的繼承權利

If a person wish to exclude his inheritance from his heir, that person should file a request to the sheriff's office. There are 2 ways to cut off statutory heirs from inheritance:

如希望法定繼承人不得繼承遺產,須向治安官提出申請。 讓法定繼承人排除繼承有兩種方法:

  1. by will. 依據遺囑
  2. in writing, given to the authority. 向官方提交書面文件

The dissolution of statutory heirs according to Article 1 may be made in any form by will. By cutting the statutory heir according to Article 2, the testator will make a letter and hand it to the sheriff.



Withdrawing the cutting of statutory heirs from inheritance


For those wishing to withdraw the cutting of statutory heirs from inheritance can do as follows:


1. If the disqualification is made by will, it can be withdrawn only by will


2. If the disqualification is made in writing to the competent official, The withdrawal can be made by wills or in writing



Renunciation of inheritance拋棄繼承

When anyone wishes to renounce his inheritance, he should make a request to the sheriff at the district office or sub-district. There are 2 ways to make an intention of renunciation of an inheritance:


1. Made in writing to the competent official, which may be done by the requestor or the authority.本人或主管機關以書面形式向相關單位提出。

2. Make a compromise agreement. 達成協議

Renunciation of the inheritance will can be done with or without conditions. It can have time conditions. And after renunciation, it cannot be withdrawn.



Fee rate收費標準

1. Make a will document in the city office, district office, sub-district office 50 baht per copy. 10 baht per duplicate copy.


2. Make a will document in a foreign office, district office, sub-district or district office, 100 baht per copy. 20 baht per duplicate copy.


3. Make a will by using a confidential document is 20 baht per copy.


4. Make a letter cutting off the heirs or withdrawing the statutory heirs,  of the cost is 20 baht per copy.


5. Fee for receiving and storage of documents specified in (4) 20 baht per document.


6. Screening and certifying copies of wills or documents specified in (4) 10 baht per copy.


7. Witness fees and interpreters fee are paid according to income and status. Witnesses and interpreters fee is not more than 50 baht per day.


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