
Testament in Thailand泰國遺囑介紹 Part I



一般來說遺囑是財產安排的依據,對於有親人在泰國或是在泰國有資產的各位,對於泰國遺囑的認知不可不知。依據《泰國民商法》規定,遺囑分為5種,因內容過多,本篇文章分為Part 1 Part 2,本次內容為Part 1

The interpretation of wills 遺囑的解釋

Is the last command in which the intention to prescribe death in respect of the property or business of the testator in order to be effective under the law when the testator dies by doing one of the forms as specified by law (Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1646 - 1648)

旨在確定當立遺囑人去世時, 其財產或業務分配透過法律規定的表格依法有效 (依據民商法第1646-1648)


There are 5 types of wills, namely 遺囑有五種,分別是

  1. Natural wills (Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1656)(民商法第1656 自然遺囑(民商法第1656)
  2. The will be entirely self-written will (Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1657) 自書遺囑(民商法第1657)
  3. The will is documented by the City Department (Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1658)  遺囑在市政府備案 (民商法第1658 )
  4. Declining documents in secret document (Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1660)  保密檔案 (民商法第1660)
  5. Willing orally made verbally (Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1663)  口授遺囑   (民商法第1663)

In these 5 wills, the district has only 3 types of responsibilities: types 3, 4 and 5. For Type 1 and Type 2, the district does not have to be involved.



Ordinary wills 普通遺囑

   Document preparation rules 文件規定

  1. Must be made in writing which can be written or typed (can be written or typed in Thai or a foreign language).  必須以書面形式,可手寫或打字  (可以用泰語或外文書寫或打字)
  2. Must date, month, year while doing to prove the ability of the maker必須註明日期、月份及年份以確定遺囑的效力
  3. The testator must sign the name in front of at least two witnesses at the same time. May sign or print a finger, can use the seal. 立遺囑人必須同時在至少 兩位見證人面前簽名 可以簽名或蓋手印,可以使用印章
  4. Scraping, removing, dropping, adding or other modifications which the will is not complete except the amendment can be dated and signed by the testator or finger prints in front of at least two witnesses together and at least two witnesses must sign to certify the signature of the testator at that time (Must be a will) 如有增減、塗改,應註明增減、塗改之處所及字數, 另行簽名須註明日期並由立遺囑人簽字、 或至少有兩位見證人的指紋在一起,至少兩名證人必須簽字證明遺囑人 簽名的簽名 (必須是遺囑)


The wills are fully written by yourself. 遺囑完全由自己完成。

Document preparation rules文件準備規定

  1. Must make a document, i.e. make a book by using either Thai or foreign languages  必須製作文件, 可為泰語或外文
  2. The testator must write in his own handwriting, the entire copy cannot be printed. Therefore, the author of the book is unable to do will.

    This type of will is possible with or without witnesses, because the law didn't prohibit

        立遺囑人必須用親筆書寫 ,無法複印。法律並未規定須有見證人。

  1. Must date month, year while doing to prove ability for other editions  其他版本也 需要註明日期
  2. Must sign the testator's signature   必須簽署立遺囑 人的簽名
  3. Scraping, erasing, dropping, filling, or any other alterations which will be incomplete unless the testator has done it by his own hands and signed.  如有增減、塗改, 應註明增減、塗改之處所及字數,另行簽名。


Wills in documents of the city department在市政府備案的遺囑

Petitioner can submit a request to the District Department (sheriff) of any district to proceed accordingly. 

申請人可以向任何地區的民政部門(治安官) 申請。

Following is the procedure 相關程序如下

  1. The testator informs the sheriff messages to be included in his will. At least two other witnesses should in present.


  1. The sheriff notes down the information made by the testator and reads the text to the testator and the witness.


  1. When the testator and the witness clearly know that the note is correct, the declaration will be signed by the testator and witnesses.


  1. The sheriff shall sign and sign the date on the notes as proof the will has been done. The seal position is also important.


  1. Documentary wills for the city is not always required to do at district office or sub-district office, if the applicant requests to do outside


  1. When it appears that the testator has passed away, estate manager or persons receiving inheritance by will or by rights. The heir will present evidence of death of the testator, and the will will be provided after the investigation is satisfied.  當立遺囑人過世, 物業經理或繼承人出示死亡證明來獲得遺囑。


Wills making secret documents在保密檔案的遺囑

When someone intends to make a will in a confidential document, that person must show his intention according to the form of the official submitted to the Department of District (Sheriff), and complies with the following rules:


  1. Must have the will and a signature.


  1. The testator must seal the will and write the period.


  1. The testator must bring the sealed will to the sheriff. There should be at least 2 witnesses and give statements to all people that it is his will. If the will is written by another person, the testator must notify his the name and address


  1. When the sheriff records the will and stamps the envelope. And the witnesses sign on that envelope.


  1. A person who is both mute and deaf, or who cannot speak with the intention to make a will as a confidential document, the sheriff will write the will and at least 2 witnesses should at present.


  1. If the testator has a confidential document he wishes to request immediately, the sheriff can give it to him, and the testator signs the receipt in the book



Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax in Thailand 泰國遺產稅及贈與稅介紹


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