Due to the Emergency Decree announcement
26 types of Businesses
is closed until mid-end April
泰國為防堵疫情,政府最近陸續發出多項限制措施,包括關閉全市的百貨商場、美容沙龍和遊樂場等。身為每月領固定薪水的大家,以下 為不可不知的勞工權利:
In case of not being in the business of 26 types above如果未從事下述26項業務
If a company or business place is temporarily closed due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, in accordance with labor protection laws and regulations, in More than 75% of the salary must be paid during the suspension. At the same time, workers can apply for social insurance funds to provide unemployment compensation and enjoy a 50% wage income subsidy for 60 days or 180 days.
如果因新型冠狀病毒而暫時關閉公司或營業場所,根據勞工保護法和相關法規,在停職期間必須支付員工工資的75%以上。 同時,工人可以申請社會保險基金以領取失業補助,並享有60天或180天的50%工資補貼。
For employees in the social insurance system針對社會保險制度下的員工
If the business place is closed and cannot work normally or obtain normal salary income, they can apply for 180 days of unemployment compensation, and the compensation will be paid at 50% of the monthly salary. If the place of business is closed due to a government order, the Social Security will pay 60 days of unemployment compensation and also pay 50% of the monthly salary.
如果營業場所被關閉而無法正常工作或取得正常的工資收入,可以申請社保劃撥180天的失業補償,所獲補償金按月薪50%支付。 如果是該營業場所因政府部門下令關閉,則社保將支付60天的失業補償, 也按50%月薪支付。
If it is a non-employed worker outside the social security system and is unemployed due to the epidemic, the government would provide monthly living allowance 5,000 baht per month, nevertheless, unemployed must report to the relevant government authority accordingly.
如果是社會保險體系之外的自由業者,因流行病而失業。政府提供每 人每月5,000泰銖的生活津貼,但待業人士必須向相關政府部門申報 並領取。
For foreign workers holding work permits that expire on June 30 this year, if they intend to continue to work in Thailand對於工作許可證將於今年6月30日到期的外國工人,如果打算繼續在泰國工作
必須在 3月31日之前完成續證手續,並取得新的工作證。辦理工作證的地點包括曼谷4處一站式服務中心和內地38處一站式服務中心。此外,僱主可以透過線上提交申請,讓下屬的外籍勞工及其家屬可以通融工作至6月30日,並申報外勞名單,將不被罰款。
The employer cannot force employee to sign resignations, which is illegal. For the employee who need to be quarantined for 14 days, they can first use the 30-day sick leave right according to law. If sick leave has been requested for more than 30 days, it may be negotiated between employers and employees or by using the trade union consultation mechanism.
業者不能強制讓勞工簽辭職書,這樣的離職行為不合法。對於必要隔 離 14天的勞工,可以依法先使用30天的請病假權益。如果請病假已超過30天,則可能由勞資雙方協商或者利用工會協商機制。
26 types of business 26項業務
1. Restaurants, including restaurants located in booths Cart and food stall (Only open to sell food to be used elsewhere. And restaurants in hotels that serve only those who live in hotels or buy them elsewhere) except restaurants in the airport area.
餐廳,包含手推車和攤販(僅出售在其他地方的食物。飯店內的餐廳 僅供餐給住在飯店的人或在其他地方購買的人) ,機場內的餐廳除外。
2. Department stores Including shopping centers, community malls, except supermarkets, pharmacies or other necessities for living, and restaurants (which are sold for consumption elsewhere) and banks.
3. Sitting or dining area in a convenience store便利商店的座位居或用餐區
4. Markets and flea markets Except for those that sell fresh food, dried food, and prepared food for takeout市場和跳蚤市場除銷售新鮮食品、乾糧和外帶食物的市場外
5. Beauty salon, barber shop美容院,理髮店
6. Tattoo service for skin or piercing any part of the body皮膚或身體任何部位的刺青
7. Place for skating or roller blades Or other similar plays滑冰、直排輪滑或其他類似的地方
8. Amusement Park, Bowling Yard, Game Cabinet遊樂園,保齡球場,遊戲機台
9. Game shops, internet cafes電玩店,網咖
10. Golf courses or golf practice courses高爾夫球場或高爾夫練習場
11. Swimming pools or other similar businesses游泳池或其他類似業務
12. Cockfighting arena Chicken fighting practice court鬥雞場
13. Buddha amulets and center佛牌中心
14. Exhibition center Convention center and exhibition venue 展覽中心, 會展中心和展覽場地
15. Institutions at all levels and tutoring institutions各級機構和補教機構
16. Beauty Clinic Beauty salons-Weight control美容診所,美容院-體重控制
17. Spa shop, massage shop水療店,按摩店
18. Bath shop, cut fur, pet deposit寵物洗澡店,寵物修毛,寵物寄養
19. Massage parlor establishment按摩院
20. Steam herbal steam service center药草汗蒸中心
21. Theaters, cinemas, theaters劇院,電影院
22. Fitness facilities健身設施
23. Service places and similar establishments服務場所和類似場所
24. Boxing stadium and boxing school拳擊館和拳擊學校
25. Stadium體育館
26. Racecourse馬場
受新型冠狀病毒影響泰國居民不可不知的權利Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, what are the things every Thai residences should know