租賃投資 🏠
根據酒店法條(2004)第15條,“除非獲得註冊官發出的許可,否則任何人不得在泰國經營酒店業務。申請和頒發許可證應符合部長規定的規則以及程序。“ 共管公寓業主租賃/出租房產的時間不得超過一個月(30天)。
Rental Investment《Thai Law》 🏠
In accordance to section 15 of the Hotel Act B.E. 2547 (2004), “No person shall operate hotel business unless he has obtained a license issued by the Registrar. The application for and issuance of a license shall be in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed by the Minister.” It is illegal for Condominium owners to lease/rent out the property for a period of less than one month (30 days).
There are two solutions for this is to invest in hotel residences that holds the hotel license. Alternatively, rent the properties out with a proper lease agreement to avoid attracting any penalties as such.
Please contact us if you have any question regarding investment in Thailand
e-mail: admin@ibc-firm.com
Line/WeChat: wendywu213
website: https://www.ibc-firm.com