- Chanote:此類地契指持有人為土地的實際權人,可以將土地進行抵押,擁有土地的泰國人通常持有此類地契。一般您要買房時最好賣方持有Chanote地契。
- Nor Sor 3 以及 Nor Sor 3 Gor:所有非Chanote的地契、土地權人為政府單位,地契持有人僅擁有地上權。此兩種土地皆可升級為Chanote,唯一差別是Nor Sor 3 Gor已在分區土地廳進行登記所以有確切的範圍。
- Sor Kor 1以及Por Bor Tor 5:這兩種地契僅表示持有人有土地佔用權,兩者差異是Sor Kor 1可升級為Nor Sor 3、Nor Sor 3 Gor及Chanote。Por Bor Tor 5 僅在地方稅收部門進行登記,可升級為Sor Kor 1。
What you should know when buying properties in Thailand-Introduction of land title deeds
According to current “Land Code B.E. 2497 (1954)”, foreigners are not allowed to own land in Thailand. Because of this restriction, title deeds in Thailand are divided into two categories, one is freehold, and the other is leasehold. Following are common title deeds in Thailand
- Chanote: this type of deed allows you to own the land as a real owner, you can register the land as mortgage. Usually Thai own this type of land. When you want to purchase a property in Thailand, you would like the landlord owns this deed.
- Nor Sor 3 and Nor Sor 3 Gor:all lands except Chanote are actually owned by the government, the owner only has right to possess the land. These two types of deeds can be updated to Chanote; the only difference is that lands under Sor 3 Gor are registered by district land office and have exact boundaries.
- Sor Kor 1 and Por Bor Tor 5:Owners of these types of deeds only have possessory right of the lands. The difference between them is that Sor Kor 1 can be updated to Nor Sor 3, Nor Sor 3 Gor, and Chanote. Lands under Por Bor Tor 5 are only registered by regional tax department and can be updated to Sor Kor 1.
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